Full question below, here is the setup:
# Gets all room mailboxes
$rooms = Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails RoomMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited
if ( !$places ){
$places = @()
# Gets Places for Room Mailboxes
foreach ( $room in $rooms ){
$places = Get-Place $room.PrimarySmtpAddress
$populatedTags = $places | Where-Object { $_.Tags -notlike $null }
$populatedTags | Select-Object Identity, Tags
Identity Tags
-------- ----
[email protected] {Microsoft Teams Room}
[email protected] {BYOD}
[email protected] {Microsoft Surface Hub}
[email protected] {Microsoft Teams Room, Microsoft Surface Hub, BYOD}
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True True ArrayList System.Object
So this is the code I use to obtain data. What I am trying to achieve is a CSV that would look like this:
Identity,TAGS_Microsoft Teams Room,TAGS_BYOD,TAGS_Microsoft Surface Hub
[email protected],TRUE,,
[email protected],,TRUE,
[email protected],,,TRUE
[email protected],TRUE,TRUE,TRUE
I can add the Tags as NoteProperty's by using the below code:
$uniqueTags = $places | Select-Object Tags -Unique
$tags = $uniqueTags.Tags -join ","
$tagsArray = $tags.Split( "," )
$definitiveTags = $tagsArray | Select-Object -Unique
foreach ( $definitiveTag in $definitiveTags ){
if ( $definitiveTag -notlike $null ){
$places | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "TAGS_$definitiveTag" -Value $Null
Now I can do:
$places[0] | Select-Object Identity, TAGS_*
Identity : [email protected]
Microsoft Teams Room :
Microsoft Surface Hub :
Anyone have any ideas on how I populate those fields? I've been scratching my head for far too long.
CodePudding user response:
One simple way is to calculate the value of all the tag properties, and add them to each place object at the same time:
# Gets all room mailboxes
$rooms = Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails RoomMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited
# Gets Places for Room Mailboxes
$places = foreach ( $room in $rooms ){ Get-Place $room.PrimarySmtpAddress }
# get the list of all used tags
$populatedTags = $places | Where-Object { $_.Tags -notlike $null }
$uniqueTags = $populatedTags | Select-Object Tags -Unique | Where Tags -NotLike $null
# iterate over places
$result = foreach ($place in $places) {
$entry = $place | select Identity #, other, properties, etc
# populate true/null values for each unique tag
foreach ($tagname in $uniqueTags) {
# calculate property value
$value = if ($place.tags -contains $tagname) {'TRUE'} else {$null}
# add property
$entry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "TAGS_$tagname" -Value $value
# add to $result
Write-Output $entry
# view a table of places with any tag
$result |
# you cannot filter on a wildcard property, so have to awkwardly check like this
Where {($_.psobject.Properties|where Name -like 'TAGS_*').Value -like 'TRUE'} |
Select Identity,TAGS_*
This is good enough for reports without much data, where the calculations are very simple.