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Output list as "x1, x2, ... 'and xN'"


I can do this


for fruit in fruits:
    print (fruit , end=" ")


mango fig apple

How to rewrite this using a loop?


print(f"i have {fruits[0]},{fruits[1]} and {fruits[2]}")

expectation :

i have mango,fig and apple

CodePudding user response:

Slice the string

>>> fruits=['mango','fig','apple']
>>> print('I have '   ', '.join(fruits[:-1])   ' and '   fruits[-1])
I have mango, fig and apple

CodePudding user response:

If you want to use with loop,

print('I have', end=" ")
for idx, i in enumerate(fruits):
    if idx == len(fruits) - 1:
        print(f"and {i}", end=" ")    
        print(i, end=", ")
# I have mango, fig, and apple 

CodePudding user response:

I don't know why you'd want a loop for this, but you could do:

parts = ['i have ', ',', ' and ']
for part, fruit in zip(parts, fruits):
   print(part fruit, end="")

This is not by any means a thing you'd do, but I guess it's a way to learn about zips.

CodePudding user response:

You could do something like:

print(f"i have {', '.join(fruits[:-1])} and {fruits[-1]}")

This will work for any size list that you want comma-separated except for the last item where you want an 'and'.

If you have to use a loop, for some reason (assuming this is homework and you have to keep it simple) then you could do something like:

output_msg = "I have"
for i, fruit in enumerate(fruits):
    if i == 0:
        output_msg  = f" {fruit}"
    elif i == len(fruits): 
         output_msg  = f" and {fruit}"
         output_msg  = f",{fruit}"

CodePudding user response:

Just for fun, don't use in production code:

fruits = ["mango", "fig", "apple"]

for f, s in zip(
    fruits, [*[","] * (len(fruits) - 2), " and ", "\n"][-len(fruits) :]
    print(f, end=s)


mango,fig and apple
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