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Faster HLSL code? Wondering about lower CPU overhead when rendering quads in 3-space


Last time I was coding, I had barely started learning Direct3D9c. Currently I'm hitting about 30K single-texture quads lit with 15 lights at about 450fps. I haven't learned instancing or geometry shading at all yet, and I'm trying to prioritise the order I learn things in for my needs, so I've only taken glances at them.

My first thought was to reduce the amount of vertex data being shunted to the GPU, so I changed the vertex structure to a FLOAT2 (for texture coords) and an UINT (for indexing), relying on 4x float3 constants in the vertex shader to define the corners of the quads.

I figured I could reduce the size of the vertex data further, and reduced each vertex unit to a single UINT containing a 2bit index (to reference the real vertexes of the quad), and 2x 15bit fixed-point numbers (yes, I'm showing my age but fixed-point still has it's value) representing offsets into atlas textures.

So far, so good, but I know bugger all about Direct3D11 and HLSL so I've been wondering if there's a faster way.

Here's the current state of my vertex shader:

cbuffer CB_PROJ
    matrix model;
    matrix modelViewProj;

struct VOut
    float3 position : POSITION;
    float3 n : NORMAL;
    float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD;
    float4 pos : SV_Position;

static const float3 position[4] = { -0.5f, 0.0f,-0.5f,-0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f,-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f };
// 00-01 .  uint2b   == Vertex index (0-3)
// 02-17 . fixed1p14 == X offset into atlas texture(s)
// 18-31 . fixed1p14 == Y offset into atlas texture(s)
VOut main(uint bitField : BLENDINDICES) {
    VOut output;
    const uint   i        = bitField & 0x03u;
    const uint   xStep    = (bitField >> 2) & 0x7FFFu;
    const uint   yStep    = (bitField >> 17);
    const float  xDelta   = float(xStep) * 0.00006103515625f;
    const float  yDelta   = float(yStep) * 0.00006103515625f;
    const float2 texCoord = float2(xDelta, yDelta);
    output.position = (float3) mul(float4(position[i], 1.0f), model);
    output.n = mul(float3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), (float3x3) model);
    output.texcoord = texCoord;
    output.pos = mul(float4(output.position, 1.0f), modelViewProj);
    return output;

My pixel shader for completeness:

Texture2D Texture : register(t0);

SamplerState Sampler : register(s0);

struct LIGHT {
    float4 lightPos; // .w == range
    float4 lightCol; // .a == flags

cbuffer cbLight {
    LIGHT l[16] : register(b0); // 256 bytes

static const float3 ambient = { 0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f };

float4 main(float3 position : POSITION, float3 n : NORMAL, float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
    const float4 Texel = Texture.Sample(Sampler, TexCoord);

    if (Texel.a < 0.707106f) discard; // My source images have their alpha values inverted.

    float3 result = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };

    for (uint xx = 0 ; xx < 16 && l[xx].lightCol.a != 0xFFFFFFFF; xx  )
        const float3 lCol    = l[xx].lightCol.rgb;
        const float  range   = l[xx].lightPos.w;
        const float3 vToL    = l[xx].lightPos.xyz - position;
        const float  distToL = length(vToL);
        if (distToL < range * 2.0f)
            const float  att = min(1.0f, (distToL / range   distToL / (range * range)) * 0.5f);
            const float3 lum = Texel.rgb * saturate(dot(vToL / distToL, n)) * lCol;
            result  = lum * (1.0f - att);
    return float4(ambient * Texel.rgb   result, Texel.a);

And the rather busy looking C function to generate the vertex data (all non-relevant functions removed):

al16 struct CLASS_PRIMITIVES {
    ID3D11Buffer* pVB = { NULL, NULL }, * pIB = { NULL, NULL };
    const UINT strideV1 = sizeof(VERTEX1);

    void CreateQuadSet1(ui32 xSegs, ui32 ySegs) {
        al16 VERTEX1* vBuf;
        al16 D3D11_BUFFER_DESC bd = {};
             D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA srd = {};
             ui32 index = 0, totalVerts = xSegs * ySegs * 4;

        if (pVB) return;
        vBuf = (VERTEX1*)_aligned_malloc(strideV1 * totalVerts, 16);
        for (ui32 yy = ySegs; yy; yy--)
            for (ui32 xx = 0; xx < xSegs; xx  ) {
                double dyStep2 = 16384.0 / double(ySegs); double dyStep1 = dyStep2 * double(yy); dyStep2 *= double(yy - 1);
                ui32 yStep1 = dyStep1;
                yStep1 <<= 17;
                ui32 yStep2 = dyStep2;
                yStep2 <<= 17;
                vBuf[index].b = 0   (ui32(double(16384.0 / double(xSegs) * double(xx))) << 2)   yStep1;
                index  ;
                vBuf[index].b = 1   (ui32(double(16384.0 / double(xSegs) * double(xx))) << 2)   yStep2;
                index  ;
                vBuf[index].b = 2   (ui32(double(16384.0 / double(xSegs) * double(xx   1))) << 2)   yStep1;
                index  ;
                vBuf[index].b = 3   (ui32(double(16384.0 / double(xSegs) * double(xx   1))) << 2)   yStep2;
                index  ;
        bd.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_IMMUTABLE;
        bd.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
        bd.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
        bd.ByteWidth = strideV1 * totalVerts;
        bd.StructureByteStride = strideV1;
        srd.pSysMem = vBuf;
        hr = dev->CreateBuffer(&bd, &srd, &pVB);
        if (hr != S_OK) ThrowError();

    void DrawQuadFromSet1(ui32 offset) {
        offset *= sizeof(VERTEX1) * 4;
        devcon->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &pVB, &strideV1, &offset);
        devcon->Draw(4, 0);

    void DestroyQuadSet() {
        if (pVB) pVB->Release();

It's all functioning as it should, but it just seems like I'm resorting to hacks to achieve my goal. Surely there's a faster way? Using DrawIndexed() consistently dropped the frame-rate by 1% so I switched back to non-indexed Draw calls.

CodePudding user response:

reducing vertex data down to 32bits per vertex is as far as the GPU will allow

You seem to think that vertex buffer sizes are what's holding you back. Make no mistake here, they are not. You have many gigs of VRAM to work with, use them if it will make your code faster. Specifically, anything you're unpacking in your shaders that could otherwise be stored explicitly in your vertex buffer should probably be stored in your vertex buffer.

I am wondering if anyone has experience with using geometry shaders to auto-generate quads

I'll stop you right there, geometry shaders are very inefficient in most driver implementations, even today. They just aren't used that much so nobody bothered to optimize them.

One quick thing that jumps at me is that you're allocating and freeing your system-side vertex array every frame. Building it is fine, but cache the array, C memory allocation is about as slow as anything is going to get. A quick profiling should have shown you that.

Your next biggest problem is that you have a lot of branching in your pixel shader. Use standard functions (like clamp or mix) or blending to let the math cancel out instead of checking for ranges or fully transparent values. Branching will absolutely kill performance.

And lastly, make sure you have the correct hints and usage on your buffers. You don't show them, but they should be set to whatever the equivalent of GL_STREAM_DRAW is, and you need to ensure you don't corrupt the in-flight parts of your vertex buffer. Future frames will render at the same time as the current one as long as you don't invalidate their data by overwriting their vertex buffer, so instead use a round-robin scheme to allow as many vertices as possible to survive (again, use memory for performance). Personally I allocate a very large vertex buffer (5x the data a frame needs) and write it sequentially until I reach the end, at which point I orphan the whole thing and re-allocate it and start from the beginning again.

CodePudding user response:

I think your code is CPU bound. While your approach has very small vertices, you have non-trivial API overhead.

A better approach is rendering all quads with a single draw call. I would probably use instancing for that.

Assuming you want arbitrary per-quad size, position, and orientation in 3D space, here’s one possible approach. Untested.

Vertex buffer elements:

struct sInstanceData
    // Center of the quad in 3D space
    XMFLOAT3 center;
    // XY coordinates of the sprite in the atlas
    uint16_t spriteX, spriteY;
    // Local XY vectors of the quad in 3D space
    // length of the vectors = half width/height of the quad
    XMFLOAT3 plusX, plusY;

Input layout:


Vertex shader:

cbuffer Constants
    matrix viewProj;
    // Pass [ 1.0 / xSegs, 1.0 / ySegs ] in that field
    float2 texcoordMul;

struct VOut
    float3 position : POSITION;
    float3 n : NORMAL;
    float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD;
    float4 pos : SV_Position;

VOut main( uint index: SV_VertexID,
    float3 center : QuadCenter, uint2 texcoords : SpriteIndex,
    float3 plusX : QuadPlusX, float3 plusY : QuadPlusY )
    VOut result;
    float3 pos = center;
    int2 uv = ( int2 )texcoords;

    // No branches are generated in release builds;
    // only conditional moves are there
    if( index & 1 )
        pos  = plusX;
        uv.x  ;
        pos -= plusX;

    if( index & 2 )
        pos  = plusY;
        uv.y  ;
        pos -= plusY;

    result.position = pos;
    result.n = normalize( cross( plusX, plusY ) );
    result.texcoord = ( ( float2 )uv ) * texcoordMul;
    result.pos = mul( float4( pos, 1.0f ), viewProj );
    return result;


UINT stride = sizeof( sInstanceData );
UINT off = 0;
context->IASetVertexBuffers( 0, 1, &vb, &stride, &off );
context->DrawInstanced( 4, countQuads, 0, 0 );
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