I have a table which store each type of clothes we sale, a simplification could be :
TypeCloth (id, name_type, desc)
I have a second table storing all articles for each type of cloths
Cloth (id, name_cloth, desc, price, ... , type_cloth_id)
I want to do a query that let me show a quick view of the last 4 cloths of each type of cloths
I've done something like this :
@type_cloths = TypeCloth.all
@cloth = Cloth.where(type_cloth_id: @type_cloths.ids)
If I put a LIMIT 4 here I will just get 4 cloths. I would like to get 4 cloths of each types
I'm sure i'm missing something obvious here
CodePudding user response:
In PostgreSQL you can use window function
In your Cloth
model you can define such scope
scope :first_each_type, ->(count) do
ranked_clothes =
"dense_rank() OVER(PARTITION BY clothes.type_cloth_id ORDER BY clothes.id DESC) rank"
from("(#{ranked_clothes.to_sql}) AS clothes").where("rank <= ?", count)
And than call it as
If you need to return first N clothes by specified type, you can use something like this
scope :first_each_type, ->(count, type_cloth_ids = nil) do
ranked_clothes =
"dense_rank() OVER(PARTITION BY clothes.type_cloth_id ORDER BY clothes.id DESC) rank"
ranked_clothes = ranked_clothes.where(type_cloth_id: type_cloth_ids) if type_cloth_ids
from("(#{ranked_clothes.to_sql}) AS clothes").where("rank <= ?", count)
And than
Cloth.first_each_type(4, [1, 2])
If your collection is not so large, you can
Cloth.all.group_by(&:type_cloth_id).flat_map { _2.last(4) }
(SQLite has cluster index and you don't need to order records)
CodePudding user response:
Sqlite3 has support for window functions since version 3.25.0, so you could use ROW_NUMBER() for that;
.where(id: @type_cloths.ids)
'ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY cloths.type_cloth_id) AS rn'
.joins('JOIN cloths on cloths.id = c.id')
.where('rn <= 4');
You have to join cloths again with the subquery in from
which is odd, but it's the Active Record way of using from
. Or you could write it as a "raw" SQL query.