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Add label between colorbar breaks in ggplot2


I am trying to create a figure with ggplot and would like to add category names between colorbar breaks (values). I am using a graduated colorbar using the scale_color_fermenter function, which I think makes it a bit tricky to do this.

Below is an example code

ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=mpg, y=carb, color=disp))   
scale_color_fermenter(breaks = c(100,300,400), palette = "Blues") #graduate colorbar

The resulting figure looks like this

enter image description here

I want to add categories (A, B, C, etc.) between the colorbar breaks (i.e., create categories for disp), such that


The resulting figure looks like this (or similar)

enter image description here

I know I can add extra breaks and change the label. Something like the following


But this would mess up the colorbar class (i.e., colorbar will have more colors), which is something I do not want.

CodePudding user response:

How about:


ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = mpg, y = carb, color = disp))   
  geom_point(size = 3)  
    breaks = c(100,300,400), 
    labels = c("B\n100\nA", "C\n300\n", "D\n400\n"),
    palette = "Blues"

Created on 2022-10-27 with enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Basically the same approach as by @zephryl but with some additional styling and fiddling and using ggtext::element_markdown just in case you want some additional styling for the text labels.

  • Using lineheight I add some padding between the tick and the category labels.
  • Using vjust I shift the labels so that the position of the tick labels corresponds approximately to the boundaries of the legend keys.

mylabels <- function(x) {
    c(rep("", length(x) - 1), paste0("<span style='color: red'>", LETTERS[length(x)   1], "</span><br>")),
    "<br><span style='color: red'>", LETTERS[seq_along(x)], "</span>"

ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = mpg, y = carb, color = disp))  
  geom_point(size = 3)  
  scale_color_fermenter(breaks = c(100, 300, 400), labels = mylabels, palette = "Blues")  
  theme(legend.text = ggtext::element_markdown(vjust = c(.85, .85, .55), lineheight = 1.25))

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