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Get "MC machine" values from xml


I have more xml file. I need to get the MC machine lines values. What is the simples way to get these values in vb.net? These vaues are all times in "Attr num="123"" block.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RadanCompoundDocument xmlns="http://www.radan.com/ns/rcd">
    <Group  name="System" desc="These attributes describe the RADAN system used to create this file."
      <Attr num="13" name="Language" desc="RADAN language code." type="i" ord="1" value="19">
        <Valid perm="r"/>
      <Attr num="15" name="Build" desc="RADAN software build." type="s" ord="3" value="2022.1.2228">
        <Valid perm="r"/>
    <Group  name="Manufacturing" desc="These attributes are the manufacturing properties of the file."
      <Attr num="119" name="Material" desc="Material." type="s" ord="1" value="Mild Steel">
        <Valid perm="e" max="100"/>
      <Attr num="120" name="Thickness" desc="Thickness." type="r" ord="2" value="1">
        <Valid perm="e" min="0" max="99999"/>
      <Attr num="121" name="Thickness units" desc="Thickness units." type="s" ord="4" value="mm">
        <Valid perm="e" expr="mm|in|swg" max="80"/>
      <Attr num="123" name="Cycle time" desc="Cycle time in minutes." type="r" ord="26" value="0">
        <Valid perm="e" min="0"/>
        <MC machine="psys_CAA001_1" value="10"/>
        <MC machine="psys_CAA001_2" value="20"/>
        <MC machine="psys_CAA001_3" value="30"/>
        <MC machine="psys_CAA001_4" value="40"/>
      <Attr num="124" name="Sheet X" desc="Sheet length in the X direction." type="r" ord="12" value="2500">
        <Valid perm="e" min="0"/>
      <Attr num="125" name="Sheet Y" desc="Sheet length in the Y direction." type="r" ord="13" value="1250">
        <Valid perm="e" min="0"/>

Thanks! Tibi

I not work similar xml before.

CodePudding user response:

Use XmlDocument.SelectNodes with a fitting XPath expression to retrieve a list of matching nodes XmlNodeList

Something like

Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument

Dim xmlNodes As XmlNodeList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//RadanCompoundDocument/RadanAttributes/Group/Attr/MC")

For i As Int32 = 0 To xmlNodes.Cound -1
   Dim xmlNode As XmlNode = xmlNodes.Item(i)
   ' Do stuff with the individual "MC" node
Next i

CodePudding user response:

Use Xml Serialization

Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Serialization

Module Module1
    Const FILENAME As String = "c:\temp\test.xml"
    Sub Main()
        Dim reader As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(FILENAME)
        Dim serializer As XmlSerializer = New XmlSerializer(GetType(RadanCompoundDocument))
        Dim document As RadanCompoundDocument = serializer.Deserialize(reader)
    End Sub

End Module
Public Class RadanCompoundDocument
    Public Group As List(Of Group)
End Class
Public Class Group
    Public xClass As String
    Public desc As String
    Public name As String

    Public attr As List(Of Attr)
End Class
Public Class Attr
    Public num As Integer
    Public name As String
    Public desc As String
    Public type As String
    Public ord As Integer
    Public value As String

End Class
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