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Create folders from txt file and if folders haven't been created write name ino error file


I have been trying to create script which reads txt file(source.txt) and creating folders with this name and if folder somehow haven't been created I need to put name in Error.txt

Here I have script for windows which is working, but I need to create it for linux


for /F "usebackq eol=| delims=" %G in ("source.txt") do md "Fld1\%~G" 2>nul & if not exist "Fld1\%~G">>"Error.txt"

Linux script throws error "syntax error near unexpected token done, without if [ ! -d Fld1/$line ] then echo "$line" > Error.txt script works correctly creating all I want, but I need this script with this if case.

while read line;
mkdir "Fld1/$line"
if [ ! -d Fld1/$line ]
echo "$line" > Error.txt
done < source.txt

I would be thankful for any solutions

CodePudding user response:

mkdir already tells you if it suceeded.

fi is missing.

I think you want to >> append to file.

Check your scripts with shellcheck . You script might look like:

while IFS= read -r line; do
   if ! mkdir "Fld1/$line"; then
      echo "Fld1/$line" >> Error.txt
done < source.txt

I think I would consider:

cd "Fld1" && xargs -d '\n' -n1 mkdir <source.txt 2>Error.txt
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