Home > Blockchain >  How to modify the default bundle name made by JavaPackager
How to modify the default bundle name made by JavaPackager


In the JavaPackager documentation the default bundle names are described.

For example, for a zip file:

  • "${name}-${version}-${platform}.zip"

I'd like to change those.

For example having :

  • "${name}-${version}-${platform}-Full.zip" for the bundle with the Jre, and
  • "${name}-${version}-${platform}-Light.zip" for the bundle without Jre.

Setting the ${name} property to e.g. "MyApp-Full" will affect the whole chain. From the bundle name to the exe name. I'd like to avoid this.

Edit: So my goal is to to build to zip files, one with one without the jre, with a different label, but with the same executable name inisde.

E.g. myapp-1.0.0-windows-Full.zip and myapp-1.0.0-windows-Light.zip with both a myapp.exe executable inside.

Anyone knows the solution ?

CodePudding user response:

There is no direct option in JavaPackager to change the name of the build. But you can achieve that by executing maven-antrun-plugin after javapackager plugin assuming you are using maven.

Need to create 2 builds. With JRE (Full) and without JRE (Light).


You can add maven-antrun-plugin to copy generated zip file to the target folder with the name you want.

          <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties"
            classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath" />
          <property name="sub_dir" value="light" />
          <property name="file_suffix" value="-Light" />
          <ant antfile="${basedir}/build.xml">
            <target name="default" />
          <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties"
            classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath" />
          <property name="sub_dir" value="full" />
          <property name="file_suffix" value="-Full" />
          <ant antfile="${basedir}/build.xml">
            <target name="default" />

You need to place build.xml at the root of the project so maven-antrun-plugin can execute that.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="javapackager">

  <target name="default">
    <fileset id="zip-files" dir="${project.build.directory}/${sub_dir}">
        <include name="*.zip" />
    <foreach param="path" target="zip-copy" inheritall="true" inheritrefs="true">
        <fileset refid="zip-files" />
  <target name="zip-copy">
    <propertyregex property="filename" input="${path}" regexp="(. ?)(\.[^.]*$|$)" select="\1" />
    <propertyregex property="filename" input="${filename}" regexp="([^\\|\/]*)$" select="\1" casesensitive="false" override="true" />
    <copy file="${path}" tofile="${project.build.directory}/${filename}${file_suffix}.zip" />


Now once you run mvn clean package command you will have myapp-1.0.0-windows-Full.zip and myapp-1.0.0-windows-Light.zip in the target directory.

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