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Use cases and syntax for non-object constructor functions?


Currently reading js.info and came upon this:

"Let’s note once again – technically, any function (except arrow functions, as they don’t have this) can be used as a constructor. It can be run with new, and it will execute the algorithm above. The “capital letter first” is a common agreement, to make it clear that a function is to be run with new."

This is the function they included but it doesn't seem to portray what they described. I also couldn't get it to run at all (several errors).

// create a function and immediately call it with new
let user = new function() {
  this.name = "John";
  this.isAdmin = false;

  // ...other code for user creation
  // maybe complex logic and statements
  // local variables etc

I'm curious what this would look like in practice and what use cases exist for a constructor function that does not return/pertain to an object?

CodePudding user response:

As for use cases: constructor functions are de facto object factories. It might be that you want to hide complicated/non-standard construction details from client code while maintaining a familiar construction API using new. The ability to return any object you like from a constructor function invoked with new enables this.

More info

Let's rearrange your code to make it a little easier to follow (this is only marginally different in that the constructor function now will have an inferred name 'F'):

let F = function() {
  this.name = "John";
  this.isAdmin = false;

  // ...other code for user creation
  // maybe complex logic and statements
  // local variables etc
let user = new F; // or `new F();` if you prefer, parens are optional
console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(user) === F.prototype) // true

When F is invoked with new:

  • A new object o is immediately created, with its [[Prototype]] set to refer to the .prototype property of function F.
  • The this value inside F is set to be o for the duration of the invocation of F as a constructor function.
  • The .constructor property of o is set to point to F
  • The return value of F is automatically set to be o if no value is explicitly returned.

Most constructor functions do not explicitly return an object. This is because invocation with new implicitly creates a new object, o, configured according to the rules of prototypical inheritance; o is set to be the this value used for the duration of the execution of the constructor function, and o is automatically and implicitly returned if no value is explicitly returned.

That said, programmers can instead explicitly return any object they like from a constructor function, and this overrides and prevents the implicit return.

Any function that implements the [[Construct]] internal method can be used as a constructor function with new (and super).

Ordinary function declarations (function foo() { ... }) and class constructors (class foo { constructor() {} }) can be used as constructor functions. Fat arrow functions, object literal methods, async functions and class methods cannot be used as constructor functions because they don't have the [[Construct]] internal method.

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