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Sending comma separated input params into the stored proc and looping each param in MYSQL


I have a simple stored procedure with comma separated input params. I will send Database Names in Json or Comma separated values. Like DB1,DB2,DB3 etc..; When ever I send that parameter will be loading that table in each of the Database. I'm looking for loop condition and splitting values.

EXEC   student_info (DBName = 'DB1,DB2,DB3,DB')

    DELIMITER &&  
    ALTER PROCEDURE student_info (IN DBName varchar(100))  
     **Splitting comma separated**
     **loop condition**  
        INSERT INTO @DBName.tbl_student(Name,Class)
        SELECT Name,Class FROM DB.student_info  ;  

    END &&  

What is the best way?

CodePudding user response:

You need to use prepared statements (see: PREPARE)

drop procedure if exists student_info;
CREATE PROCEDURE student_info(IN dbname varchar(100))  
    declare a CHAR(16);
    declare s VARCHAR(400);
    with recursive cte as (
         @dbname as s1,
         substring_index(substring_index(@dbname,',',1),',',-1) as s2, 
         1 as x
      union all
         substring_index(substring_index(s1,',',x 1),',',-1), 
         x 1
      from cte 
      where x< (select length(s1)-length(replace(s1,',','')) 1)
      select s2 from cte;

    open cur1;
    read_loop: loop
        fetch cur1 into a;
        set @s = CONCAT('INSERT INTO ',a,'.tbl_student(Name,Class) SELECT Name,Class FROM DB.student_info  ');
        PREPARE stmt1 FROM  @s;
        execute stmt1 ;
        deallocate prepare stmt1;
    END loop;

    close cur1;
END &&  

I tested with this:

drop table if exists DB1.tbl_student;
drop table if exists DB2.tbl_student;
drop table if exists DB3.tbl_student;
drop table if exists DB.tbl_student;
drop table if exists DB.student_info;
create table DB.tbl_student(name varchar(100),class varchar(100));
create table DB1.tbl_student(name varchar(100),class varchar(100));
create table DB2.tbl_student(name varchar(100),class varchar(100));
create table DB3.tbl_student(name varchar(100),class varchar(100));

create table DB.student_info(name varchar(100),class varchar(100));
insert into DB.student_info values ('Willem', 'Mathematics');
insert into DB.student_info values ('John', 'Mathematics');
insert into DB.student_info values ('Trudy', 'Mathematics');

CALL   student_info ('DB1,DB2,DB3,DB');

After this the data checked to be copied from student_info to the different tbl_student tables.

NOTE: I would not create those tables, and copy the data, but I would use a view:

create view db1.tbl_student as select name,class from db.student_info;

When you create a view, there is no need to copy the data to the other database, because this view will be updated automatically when records in the table db.student_info are updated/deleted or inserted.

P.S. Above was testen on MySQL 8.x. Some functionality that is not available in earlier versions of MySQL (like WITH) is used.

CodePudding user response:

(Answer to the original question, before the edit)

Use FIND_IN_SET instead of a loop

SELECT Name,Class 
FROM student_info 
where FIND_IN_SET(ID, studentID);

CodePudding user response:

create the function as follow query for separate your value:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitComaToTable](@input AS Varchar(4000) )
 @Result TABLE(Value BIGINT)
      DECLARE @str VARCHAR(500)
      DECLARE @ind Int
      IF(@input is not null)
            SET @ind = CharIndex(',',@input)
            WHILE @ind > 0
                  SET @str = SUBSTRING(@input,1,@ind-1)
                  SET @input = SUBSTRING(@input,@ind 1,LEN(@input)-@ind)
                  INSERT INTO @Result values (@str)
                  SET @ind = CharIndex(',',@input)
            SET @str = @input
            INSERT INTO @Result values (@str)

then use this query to select your value as table and set condition on query:

SELECT Value FROM dbo.SplitComaToTable(@yourIds)
 where Value =yourCondition
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