I would like to call variables that contain other variables in their name when I have enabledelayedexpension so I would have concentric exclamation points in my variable call. I apologize for the unclear wording; I'm not very familiar with this subject.
Here's a portion of my code that shows my issue:
set /a Freq[%%z]value[!value!] =%%y
echo Freq %%z value !value! is !Freq[%%z]value[!value!]!
As is, batch interprets !Freq[%%z]value[!value!]! broken up into different variables with the !'s, and I don't think I can use %'s instead because I'm in a for loop where this variable is changing. I don't think I can use another for loop to replace !value! with a %%a either.
Here's a more complete look at my code:
set /a line=0
set /a goodLine=0
FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (%file%) DO (
set /a line =1
echo Line is !line!
set data[!line!]=%%x
set /a value=0
set /a checkGood=0
FOR %%y in (%%x) DO (
set /a value =1
if !value!==1 (
set /a Freq=%%y
set /a checkFreq=%%y %% 10
if !checkFreq!==0 (
set /a checkGood=1
) else (echo bad)
) else (
if !checkGood!==1 (
for /l %%z in (40, 10, 330) do (
if !Freq!==%%z (
set /a Freq[%%z]value[!value!] =%%y
echo Freq %%z value !value! is !Freq[%%z]value[!value!]!
set /a Freq[%%z]quantity[!value!] =1
echo Freq %%z value !value! quantity is !Freq[%%z]quantity[!value!]!
) else (echo checkGood bad)
CodePudding user response:
SET /a value=4
FOR /L %%z IN (1,1,5) DO set /a Freq[%%z]value[!value!]=%%z 10
SET Freq
ECHO ========================
FOR %%y IN (2,7) DO FOR /L %%z IN (1,1,5) DO (
set /a Freq[%%z]value[!value!] =%%y
SET Freq[%%z]value[!value!]
CALL echo Freq %%z value !value! is %%Freq[%%z]value[!value!]%%
Or you could use a for/f "tokens=2delims==" %%e in ('set Freq[%%z]value[!value!]') do echo %%e
depends on what you really want to do.