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Query on Dynamodb with GSI along with extra Attribute


I am new to dynamodb. I am trying to query on GSI PlatformIndex, Where platform = "x" and it'll be sorted by tx_time. But I also need to match another attribute senderWallet = "y". I think this can be done by adding FilterExpression after making the query. I believe it is a costly read approach. Is there any better/optimized approach to obtain the result?

To put it more simple form, Is it possible to perform such query where 2 attribute(platform and senderWallet) will match with given data and it will be sorted by tx_time in asc/dsc order?

  • tx_time is timestamp.
  • senderWallet and platform is string data type.

Thank you. Please let me know if there is any trouble understanding the problem.


AttributeDefinitions: [{
      AttributeName: 'txHash',
      AttributeType: 'S',
      AttributeName: 'senderWallet',
      AttributeType: 'S',
      AttributeName: 'tx_time',
      AttributeType: 'N',
      AttributeName: 'platform',
      AttributeType: 'S',
GlobalSecondaryIndexes: [{
      IndexName: 'PlatformIndex',
      KeySchema: [
          AttributeName: 'platform',
          KeyType: 'HASH',
          AttributeName: 'tx_time',
          KeyType: 'RANGE',
      Projection: {
        ProjectionType: 'ALL',


    const query = {
      TableName: userTxHistorySchema.TableName,
      IndexName: 'PlatformIndex',
      ExpressionAttributeValues: {
        ':platform': platform,
        ':senderWallet': senderWallet,
      ScanIndexForward: false,
      KeyConditionExpression: 'platform = :platform',
      Limit: limit,
      ExclusiveStartKey: lastEvaluatedKey,
      FilterExpression: 'senderWallet = :senderWallet', // Need to optimise this condition while executing the read query

    const response = await queryItems(query);
    console.log('response', response);

CodePudding user response:

You have a few choices.

The easiest design is you create a GSI where the PK is the two values concatenated together (platform#sender) and the SK is your timestamp. No need to filter.

This value concatenation approach is extremely common with DynamoDB.

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