I want to white some symbols in console but i have troubles with output of character " \ " I know it is reservated by C for formatting inside printf but i really want to output it. Srry for bad english, it is not my mother tongue.
printf(" __ __ __ __ ____ \n");
printf(" ||\ /|| || // ||/\\ \n");
printf(" ||\\//|| ||// ||\// \n");
printf(" || \/ || ||\\ ||‾‾ \n");
printf(" || || || \\ || \n");
printf(" ‾‾
i expect that \ in this will just output like any other char but it cant just output
CodePudding user response:
Backspace is a special escape character in C/C , so that you can type, e.g., '\n'
. You can use \\
to have a \
in your string.
CodePudding user response:
escape it - for example
printf(" || || || \\ || \n");
shpuld be
printf(" || || || \\\\ || \n");