Home > Blockchain >  check dates for gap of more than one day and group them if continuous in spark
check dates for gap of more than one day and group them if continuous in spark


If I have table with dates in format MM/DD/YYYY like below.

    ----- --- ----- ----- -----
    | id|startdate  |enddate   |
     ----- ------ ----- --------
    |  1| 01/01/2022|01/31/2022|  
    |  1| 02/01/2022|02/28/2022|  
    |  1| 03/01/2022|03/31/2022|  
    |  2| 01/01/2022|03/01/2022|  
    |  2| 03/05/2022|03/31/2022| 
    |  2| 04/01/2022|04/05/2022|
     ----- --- ----- ----- 

How to I group based on id column and if start and end date is continuous?

One thing is if there is more than a one day gap then keep the row on a new line so the above table will become:

     ----- --- ----- ----- -----
    | id|startdate  |enddate   |
     ----- ------ ----- --------
    |  1| 01/01/2022|31/03/2022|  
    |  2| 01/01/2022|03/01/2022|  
    |  2| 03/05/2022|04/05/2022|  
     ----- --- ----- ----- ----- 

id = 1 becomes one row as all dates for id =1 is continuous i.e no gap > 1 but id 2 has two rows as there is a gap between 03/01/2022 and 03/05/2022.

CodePudding user response:

This is a particular case of the sessionization problem (i.e. identify sessions in data based on some conditions).

Here is a possible solution that uses windows. The logic behind the solution:

  1. Associate at each row the temporally previous enddate with the same id
  2. Calculate the difference in days between each startdate and the previous enddate
  3. Identify all the rows that don't have a previous row or is at least two days after the previous row
  4. Associate at each row a session_index, that is the number of new sessions seen up to this line
  5. Aggregate grouping by id and session_index
w = Window.partitionBy("id")\

df = df \
        F.to_date("startdate", "MM/dd/yyyy").alias("startdate"),
        F.to_date("enddate", "MM/dd/yyyy").alias("enddate")
    ) \
    .withColumn("previous_enddate", F.lag('enddate', offset=1).over(w)) \
    .withColumn("date_diff", F.datediff(F.col("startdate"), F.col("previous_enddate"))) \
    .withColumn("is_new_session", F.col("date_diff").isNull() | (F.col("date_diff") > 1)) \
    .withColumn("session_index", F.sum(F.col("is_new_session").cast("int")).over(w))

df.groupBy("id", "session_index") \
    ) \
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