I'm learning to use linkedlist, I feel I already understand the concept but when coding why do I always get an error (bus error)....this code can run, but only until "SCANF the NAME" after that an error appears.
typedef struct Student{
char name[20];
char idNum[10];
int saving;
struct Student *next;
Student *head = NULL;
void insert_student(){
char *name,*idNum;
int saving;
Student *current;
Student *new_student;
new_student = (Student*)malloc(sizeof(Student));
// apakah ada memoory kosong?
printf("==== YOUR MEMMORY IS FULL! ====\n");
printf("Enter your name : ");scanf("%[^\n]s",name);
printf("Enter your Id : ");scanf("%[^\n]s",idNum);
printf("How many your money : Rp");scanf("%d",&saving);
new_student->saving = saving;
new_student->next = NULL;
head = new_student;
current = head;
while (current->next != NULL)
current = current->next;
current->next = new_student;
void print_students(){
Student *current;
printf("==== THERE IS NO STUDENT YET!\n");
current = head;
while (current!= NULL)
printf("Name : %s",current->name);
printf("id : %s",current->idNum);
printf("Saving : Rp%d",current->saving);
current = current->next;
int main(){
return 0;
I'm hoping to create nodes for the dynamic linked-list Student and then display them
CodePudding user response:
printf("Enter your name : ");scanf("%[^\n]s",name);
printf("Enter your Id : ");scanf("%[^\n]s",idNum);
You have to give named
and idNum
meaningful values before you pass their values to scanf
. Instead, you are just passing uninitialized garbage value to scanf
, which won't work. You must pass to scanf
pointers to the place you want the strings you're reading in to be stored.
CodePudding user response:
For starters it is a bad idea to make the functions to depend on the global variable head
. In this case you will not be able to use more than one list in the program.
Within the function insert_student
you declared uninitialized pointers name
and idNum
char *name,*idNum;
So using them in the calls of scanf
printf("Enter your name : ");scanf("%[^\n]s",name);
printf("Enter your Id : ");scanf("%[^\n]s",idNum);
invokes undefined behavior.
You need to declare character arrays instead of pointers
char name[20], idNum[10];
Also the format specifications are incorrect.
You should write
printf("Enter your name : "); scanf( " [^\n]", name );
printf("Enter your Id : "); scanf( " %9[^\n]", idNum );
Pay attention to the leading space in the format strings It allows to skip white space characters.
Otherwise after this call of scanf
printf("How many your money : Rp");scanf("%d",&saving);
the input buffer will contain the new line character '\n'
. So when you will call the function insert_student
a second time the first call of scanf
(if the format specification does not contain the leading space)
printf("Enter your name : "); scanf( "[^\n]", name );
will read an empty string.
Also it is not a flexible approach when the whole program exits if a new node was not allocated.
printf("==== YOUR MEMMORY IS FULL! ====\n");
It will be better to return to the caller an integer that will report whether the function was executed successfully. For example
int insert_student( void )
Student *new_student;
new_student = (Student*)malloc(sizeof(Student));
int success = new_student != NULL;
if ( success )
printf("Enter your name : ");scanf("%[^\n]s",name);
printf("Enter your Id : ");scanf("%[^\n]s",idNum);
printf("How many your money : Rp");scanf("%d",&saving);
return success;