I would like to replace a configuration yml property using a condition based on environnement variables :
username:${ENV} == 'PROD' ? ${USER_PROD} : ${USER_TEST}
password: ${ENV} == 'PROD' ? ${PWD_PROD} : ${PWD_PROD}
Is there any way I can do this inside my application.yml or programmaticaly ?
I have not faced this situation before
CodePudding user response:
The normal way of doing this is to use different application.properties
file each representing a "profile".
Then you can override the desired properties based on the profile and run the application using that profile using -Dspring.profiles.active
A useful guide on the following link.
CodePudding user response:
you can use separate config files and properties for different Spring Profiles.
please read this guide for more info: Guide