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The ministry of industry and information center, director of the institute of economics, industrial


Yu Jianing interview video

https://v.qq.com/x/page/c06293q4nzx.html? Start=1

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Yu Jianing
Yu Jianing, ministry of industry and information center of the industrial economy research institute, Dr Economics, has been engaged in the new economy, new industry, new technology research, in 2012, the currency has attracted his attention, from then on, he to block chain for the research of the system, he insist for a long time point of view is: chain block is a disruptive technology, but should play its role, needs in the entity industry scene for landing, real play to the role of the good service the real economy, should make "+" block chain entity economic revitalization of the booster, recently many times in each big BBS and meeting to preach "industry chain blocks" theory, even for overseas friends on block chain,
At the end of march, Yu Jianing published an article in economic reference papers, called "block chain will become the promoter of the revitalization of the real economy", to his surprised, this article on xinhua client views was as high as ten thousand times more than 150, in the present article about block chain, there are few articles can get such a high no one reading, but Yu Jianing also modestly said that this article is the crystallization of collective wisdom,

The following is a dialogue wonderful content
Host: you recently wrote an article, it is said that is also a hot style above the network, share with you the relevant situation,

Yu Jianing: because in the past, I also wrote so many articles, make so much of the research, the reading of an article to have 100000 + plus is very happy, can feel very happy, hundreds of thousands of no article before really can reach millions of reading, this has not been before, did not break millions of articles, so I think this article can so this popular, mainly because of a 3.0, is that it reflects a block chain is the chain block and the industry has really come of age,

Itself, then this article, actually it also pretty interesting, the writing process is that it is not a one-time written, but based on my several times before in WeChat group's share of lecture notes, and then the final assembly and become, this time inside the WeChat groups in the industry, especially some technical WeChat group communication, people often ruthlessly put forward some opinions, for this is, in fact, this also helps to improve my opinion have important help writing articles, this article many times changes, and others, will also have a friend to ask look not to understand the content of some look not to understand that, in turn, has prompted persecuted I will use some of the more popular, more clear statement and writing this article, so say, I think this article is not so much I a person's achievement, the crystallization of labor, as many group of friends, the crystallization of the wisdom of friend,

Host: you can see that at present China's market block chain is about how a situation?

Yu Jianing: I think, has been initially formed block chain industry in China, because this how to understand block chain industry? If from its narrow perspectives, actually may include computing hardware, such as the block chain block chain computing center, some basic services, such as baasBaaS platform, including some chain services, actually provide this chain of this such as the block chain computing infrastructure and computing platform, digital assets storage service providers, etc., and then also the emergence of a batch of technology including block chain this solution provider and operational service providers, there are some block chain operators are also gradually appear, also include some of the industry including supporting service organizations, such as the media industry, community and other industry groups, as well as for example the storage solution provider of digital assets, and personnel training institutions, etc., these services have sprung up in these two years in succession, so I think the whole block chain has initially formed industry, industry ecology are in the process of gradually improve,

Background information: to block chain technology, more question now was to no large-scale application of the ground, as the research institutions of the ministry of industry and information center GongJingSuo, Yu Jianing has launched a nationwide chain block industry research, plans to visit Beijing, Shanghai, shenzhen, hangzhou, guiyang and other places of more than 50 companies and institutions, industry Yu Jianing found in the investigation and research, in the electronic copyright, and circular economy and product traceability and so on field, some project application block chain has landed,

Host: just now you said is a typical block chain application scenario, the inside block chain application scenario for this category you think how is it fall to the ground of

Yu Jianing: we see that a lot of block chain technology has begun to many of the industry in our country fall to the ground, at this stage is likely to be in the ground in the field of financial project more, be born of relatively more, in the field of the non-financial, also is the real economy is still in the ground step by step, relatively less, but we can judge, basically, after 3 to 5 years of development, the application in the field of financial and non-financial application project in the field of this should be able to achieve a should present a situation of than 50-50 pattern, is the financial and non-financial projects takes half, each block chain and now everybody will be talking, block chain to add such a thing, it can block chain and a lot of technology to combine,

Host: just now you also talked about an industry, we can see that they are now a lot of big Internet company block chain is a research and development of the project, how do you think of this direction?

Yu Jianing: I think giant entry is 2018 block is an important characteristics of chain industry is particularly important, but the giant entry it will bring some far-reaching influence, first of all, is the industry will become more standard, because some people really do take block chain when, for some this some illegal, even said that the activities of the crime behavior, such as to take it as a pyramid scheme, under the guise of, take it as an illegal fund raising, and even a cloak fund-raising fraud, and this is the serious influence the image of chain blocks, the serious restriction, even said that hindered the development of block chain industry in China, however, these giant parade, and its operation mode is very standard, and this in combine with industry of this goal is more clear, so it will give the whole block chain industry into a new mode and development of the power, I believe that 2018 will see a giant dancing with innovative entrepreneurial company, and the giant will soon push block chain scenario in many industry achieve rapid fall to the ground, because they do have a lot of industry resources, but also a deeper understanding of the industry users,

, of course, I believe that as the giant block chain chain project gradually popular, many industry could soon appeared were found out, for example, information is a key word: in recent years, in fact, before a few years of a subject, is likely to be a "cloud" information business system, a lot of this information is stored in the native migrated to the cloud, at this time, many business owners will feel the effect is particularly evident, my whole management efficiency improved significantly, my entire business model can be highly of Internet, my whole significant actually reduce the cost, the process of information on the cloud, without so much debate, the whole process itself is very smooth, and even said that China has been heavily promoted by the digital economy and the development of intellectual economy, it should be said that information on cloud greatly sped up the our country enterprise, digital, intelligent transformation process, leading to the digital economy and the development of intellectual economy in our country, we think this giant after admission, the chain of markets and the cloud market will highly interweave,

Host: do you think what can be in this respect the developing direction of

Yu Jianing: I think "block chain +" itself, is a good direction, but in fact, I personally think that at this stage, more should advocate is "+ add block chain", which is at this stage, should I now or in order to solve some of the industry (and, to solve some practical problems that exist in the industry as the main direction, and then put a chain of the block, the technique as a frontier of information technology to make good use of it, put it to improve the industry efficiency and cost reduction of the role play, by adding a block chain to achieve some specific applications, and then explore some good mode, and developed some good ecological, slowly will be derived to "this block chain +" to add the this stage, to block chain its intrinsic mode of some new economic organizations, trading mechanism, combined with industry model to implement to all walks of life, and overall improve our this kind of economic efficiency, achieve an efficiency change, and then to achieve a high quality development,

The host: now what are you think is block chain and industry combined with direction,

Yu Jianing: that's I just said it is good at is to deliver value, value actually general we can understand to be related to money and which industries has nothing to do with the money? , it should be said that all sectors related to money, so as long as rich, transaction needs to transfer the money, you can use block chain, so it has a very wide range of the application should be, for example, now we are going to go to sign a contract, if the contract is particularly important, tend to be like flying, flying or sit high iron to other place to meet to sign, if it is less important contract, often to a party to cover the first chapter, and then by express mail, after each other stamped and send back, the whole process is very complex, over and over again, but if the contract is signed based on block chain, use the electronic signature technology, including the signed contents of the contract verification technology, actually can through this kind of block chain mechanism, the mechanism of consensus, and actually can be done through consensus mechanism synchronous block chain, increase efficiency of the trade and reduce transaction cost we just said the series of complicated process, can save the contract, it should be said that all walks of life are needed,
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