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[video] gongxin CPA treasure CEO huang: block data chain break monopoly


Huang is strong speech video


Provide the treasure, founder and CEO huang strong

Below is huang is strong in block 2018 global chain (hangzhou) speech on the peak BBS:
Everybody is good, thanks to the organizers invited here to share with everyone to do a,

Today my speech topic is: male chain new gameplay, developed over the years, I think the chain or the original thinking, now to make the chain more development, need to introduce more thoughts, such as user thoughts, flow of ideas, to bring new life energy chain,

My speech topic is new style chain, mainly in three pieces of content, 1, block chain for data ownership to return to the public; 2, provide the treasure CBD ecological chain blocks into the life; 3, Dapp developers to bring a new play, the share of gongxin CPA treasure, for example, introduce what do we do block chain, to make it into the life,

The first piece of content, data ownership, first before telling block chain, I'll tell me the background of the Internet and data, we all know that the Internet is not centralized, as it is born it or dream to build a global TOP network center, but with the development of the Internet this decade, it is more and more center, there is a BAT, abroad have Facebook, apple, twitter, Google and other companies, making the Internet as well as the data center more and more, because of the centralized, so the problem of data ownership has not come down, a large part of the Internet company revenue is derived from the data flow of cash and cash,

Who is this data, you ever think of? Actually these data is created by each of us, are some behavior data, sensitive data, some private data, some social data, some traffic, the consumption of these data, but Internet companies think data of the company, so in a world in which it can reasonable use, as well as cash, these data, of course, also brought a lot of convenience to our life, but also brings a lot of hidden dangers, such as the recent several more typical case, apple employees, can use his position to view the customer data, so as to let the customer blackmail,

And Facebook has just come out of an event, their internal think compliance flow liquid is reasonable, is in conformity with the company policy, but it is through cooperation and external developers, makes the user's data is used, causing very bad influence, its root lies in the ownership of data, if the data is to create, if data ownership belongs to the individual, this will happen? In addition to internal evil, there will be more hacking, the Internet is the center of the absolute control, also created a very good chance to intrusion node for hackers, about more than 50% of the world 500 strong enterprises, its data have been hacked, every person who is present data are likely to be invaded, in black market has been in storage,

My definition of a black market is not getting my permission and confirmation of data transactions, the black market is very powerful, trading is very frequent, particularly in advertising, marketing, finance, Internet data are used very frequently, each one has received phone advertising, and harassing phone calls, and even our own data is displayed outside lead to personal safety,

Internet data are mostly created by us personally, this data is not only the flow does not bring value when liquidation and data liquidation, makes us to become victims of data, of course, these problems is not to say that the problem of a company, or a personal problem, it is the consciousness of common data industry problems, think of the way it should be,

If the data ownership is belong to the individual, then what kind of situation will be? Chain block, it can make the data back to the public ownership, if you become the owner of the data, others want to see your data to get you agree, if we have to pay for your data to others, or the data you want to authorize to others, all need confirmation from you, then the data security problem is solved,

Then To provide the CBD way To introduce our treasure in this piece of research and exploration, it is a trust treasure CBD ecological, CBD is not the meaning of the central business district (CBD), it is represents the three new products, To C block city products, data exchange, To B To D developers, brock city by such a mode now, more than two months have more than 100 new users, the users come in after can't just put data on the chain, when you become master of these data, you can apply these data, then there are a lot of data developers some Dapp, allow the user To use these data, make their own data value, control by yourself, when you use these applications, the data To each other, when you don't want To use this application, or don't want To empower each other, you can cancel the authorization,

Developers can mortgage for male chain chain development resources, and development tools, the developer suite, with resources, it can develop applications and development of the financial scene, social scene, the game scene, as well as clothes, food, live, line application scenarios, because bullock city users in addition to outside the chain has its own identity, and transportation in the past, social networking, consumption, and so on the related data stored in the chain, developers have to get the data after the user authorization tags for application development, this is our expanding resources of smart contracts, now these developers in the application of city development more than a dozen bullock are related to each person's data, and everyone's life, I will expand upon, such as

B what a piece of this role, developers can through data exchange purchase bullock city C end user's data, need confirmation from himself, of course, individual users can also buy their own data submitted to the chain, keeping on the chain, increase its work force at the same time, you can dig out more Token, data exchange between the Dapp and Dapp, second in the vertical field, such as the Internet in the financial sector, in the field of government, we do trade and exchange data security,

Such as we did in the financial field, the core value of data exchange, who advocated a few points: first, we don't cache any authorization data; Second, each data transaction need confirmation from himself; Third, in we do data exchange here, if the data is false, it is a punishment that can contain data, trade fraud is no way to past data, data fraud here is there a way to control, is there will be a charge to an account,

Gongxin CPA by CBD such ecological treasure, let oneself become the master of the data, make their own data value,

Through ecological new CBD ecological construction supply chain, we brought Dapp developers what new experiences and new gameplay? I compared the gongxin CPA treasure from five aspects and chain development Dapp development and other chain Dapp:

First, digital identity, in fact, we in the development of chain before, everyone or anonymous, or no, or only a wallet account, interact through the accounts and other applications, but in acutely treasure and chain, we gave the user KYC, these users after the KYC to obtain a general digital identity, we call it the GID, general digital identity, with this identity, you can prove to you who you are on the chain, then the trust of plenty of scenarios to create a better environment,

Through second, user data, chain block city products, allow yourself to become master data, dimensional chain data labels can be scheduled, we all know that smart contract in the block is developed on the main chain of the chain need to write the "smart" contract, but intelligence is a closed contract sandbox, you can call it the black box, it's very limited environmental resources, external network is closed, can only call chain resources, provide the treasure to do development, can also call each person's identity on the chain, and call its data labels, so you make applications will be more into the life,

Third, traffic platform, developed in the past and there is no traffic in the chain of this concept, it is the evolution of pure technical community, all developers to promote their applications and products need to establish a community separately, alone looking for the user, need to separate traffic, but in brock city now has more than one hundred users, bring Dapp developers are born more than one hundred user traffic, you developed, as long as people search for, someone will go to use it immediately, as user traffic more and more big, this year our goal is to put the bullock city users to 10 million, with the flow foundation, our Dapp developers to make applications will bring much more attractive!

Fourth, store, and we all know in chain development of storage resources is very high, now better way is to expand the main chain, now there are a lot of strategy method, can expand their main chain, the problem of storage, the way we use now is BaaS services, the need to expand BaaS in other male chain services, but in provide the treasure, we have to integrate BaaS in, you can immediately call BaaS, it can support a large number of data storage and validation, we provide two interfaces,

Fifth, intelligent contract, of course, this is no good contrast, various intelligence has a contract, is to see who language support more widely, has a single language support, support the common language,

This is we do some extensions in chain, now we have to application developers to provide such an environment more than a dozen, do financial management in the financial sector, mortgage, credit loans, a full range of financial services, there is also a play, prediction markets, and also on social anonymous social, these applications need to use the data, and also have a large number of applications in the field of food and clothing live line in advance, one is to do the overseas real estate investment, and how it is to use block chain advance rent area, is the way of break the past intermediary rental, through community autonomy to implement the scenario that rent a house,

These applications have been developed on gongxin CPA treasure, we developed an application, face-to-face inquiry, the presence of every one of us you want to see each other, you get the other party agreed to go to the multidimensional data labels, can be in many fields, such as rent, mutually close, interview, these scenes can use data, it is in a trust and treasure chain can be developed, and everyone on the application of life, not just some toys,

Finally thank the organizers invited me to share, thank you,
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