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[video NO. 50] JiAiMin: the association of south-east Asian nations (asean) block chain industrial p


JiAiMin speech video

(guangxi university for nationalities in south China block chain data of the rule of law strategy research institute)
JiAiMin, professor, doctor of law, law school of guangxi university for nationalities now professor, doctoral supervisor, as a leader, the main research direction for intellectual property law, information and network and e-commerce,

In the "journal of wuhan university", "law", "law review", "modern law", "legal science journal" published books nearly papers (department), 2004, won the outstanding social science achievement of guangxi (provincial) one second prize, third prize 1 item,

Here is JiAiMin professor in infinite "chain" 2018 China block chain industry peak BBS's excellent speech:

1 China asean block chain industrial park investment will amount to billions
If fast in guangxi, China association of south-east Asian nations (asean) block chain industrial park will reach billions of investment, industrial park, is one of the biggest block chain

Position is very special in guangxi, China and asean to radiation, and so is the bridgehead of guangxi nanning, so it has the international strategic position, we are further open China's current situation, and block chain obviously is one of the world, the global each person should be able to become a block to a node on the chain, so it is very important to consensus on the inside mechanism, cut chives will never formed the human consensus! Only step steadfast work industry, enterprises to form the human consensus, can put the real ground block chain industry, benefit the people,

2 in guangxi will provide independent villa project in block chain

I in Singapore, Malaysia the asean countries have done many times report on block chain, the governments of these countries and enterprises on how to enter China, their funds, capital to flow to China are all very attention, such as Singapore it has a lot of capital and funds, how to make money out of a population of 3 million in Singapore, not only can be in with a population of 1.5 billion, while looking for their own FaZhanDian China? This became their pain points to be solved, this is the first, the Chinese association of south-east Asian nations (asean) in guangxi block chain industrial park can well accommodate the association of south-east Asian nations (asean) capital, because of guangxi is located in the subtropical, basic is the same with the association of south-east Asian nations (asean), and the guangxi zhuang autonomous region, guangxi zhuang language and Thai Thai, 3% are interlinked, so it has regional language and a variety of advantages, so now the difficulty is not attract the association of south-east Asian nations (asean) in guangxi, but attract domestic resources, attracting domestic resources as, guangxi government is overall consideration, is planning a may be able to move all the heart of such a policy,
I can say is that now the block chain industrial park in nanning lake sea and the mountain, the site selection of a feature of the city centre town, then we move into enterprise inside can have independent villas, enterprise can bag check in, and then it support funds, the government's guiding fund, and the association of south-east Asian nations (asean) money will come in, I believe that as long as the association of south-east Asian nations (asean) funds flowing into the industrial park, come in, domestic capital is bound to be
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