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[video] well through CEO Wu Yuanwen: block chain will break the traditional electricity monopoly pow


Wu Yuanwen interview video

Electricity monopoly will be break
Merchants will be converted into cash flow

Day: soup now every mall merchants are partition, cannot be exchanged between business and business, business data in ali, that was to give businesses and users provides a traffic service and payment and settlement services,

Wu Yuanwen: the future of the next generation of block chain store, not only all the merchants can free open a shop, enjoy all the members of the flow chain blocks, at the same time it also can run their own member system, and use tools to help him to do marketing, precision marketing, to help him to send integral card voucher, doing secondary marketing service for his clients, data services,

Business and business at the same time through the chain block can flow to each other, he not only to make his own commodity money, also can flow to liquidate,

Ali jingdong probably spent more than ten years, hundreds of billions of money in building electric business platform, the Internet may block chain in less than two years to build a set of complete system, so I open a shop on the net, I don't need to ali, tencent, jingdong,

I just opened a shop, the shop and there are many tools to provide service for you, to provide large data services, providing electricity business software, you have to do is to open a shop, so there is no cost, set up shop

Soup day: I think the giants like ali, including these international giants, like amazon, like tencent, jingdong, the development of the future will go to reject such, because they make money out of the platform,

Wu Yuanwen: block is not something of value chain to remove, but once you have a monopoly, its value will be discounted,

Day: soup platform on the platform of earning money, make the flow of money at the same time, it will have the effect of the regulation, in the future if there is no platform, implement the regulation?

Wu Yuanwen: a platform, I didn't say that there is no platform, block chain platform are there not? Services provided by this platform has just than ali platform to provide more services a dimension,

Block chain will help the government regulatory

Day: soup before as you have said that "Yin within Yang, out of place in the sun", why say so?

Wu Yuanwen: block is not substitute relationship between chain with existing technology, is a complementary relationship, now need to supervision of science and technology, the technology behind is big data, artificial intelligence, it is the logic behind the data, block chain for everybody is data provided by the penetrability,
Because now the government regulation is the lack of data, lack of means, block chain will change a lot, just change the present this kind of operation mechanism,
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