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Why can't [video] wei-shing Chen: leek for AB wheels? Block chain will eliminate financial para


Wei-shing Chen speech video


Wei-shing Chen
Wei-shing Chen, chairman of pan city capital, founder of the "fast taxi", because of anger at three o 'clock Dui classical Internet investors, he is known as uprightness BOY, to be held in hangzhou 2018 global chain block peak BBS, he took a classic investors,

Here are wei-shing Chen in 2018 global chain blocks (hangzhou) speech on the peak BBS:
I never recommend buy COINS, I recommend only one thing, I think everyone can use a small amount of money, 1% of their assets to buy part of the currency, because of the financial system in the link, the most critical global currency is dollars, the dollar hegemony in proportion to the nature of the currency is down? COINS is possible, everyone may not be able to judge, I think the possibility is larger, if you configure, 1% lost it does not matter, but you can take this 1% to buy an ideal, this is the most important thing I recommend investment,

Pan wei-shing Chen, founder of the capital city

Some infrastructure, exchange, a decentralized exchange and centralized exchange, purse, the currency of the future is all digital currency, encryption currency, we must have a purse, so the purse is worth, or is worth doing, anyway, the wallet is open source, if have the ability to do, you think of some way to provide better service, you can do a wallet,

Chain of infrastructure, just spoke a lot of people cast chain infrastructure, chain infrastructure is very little, actually didn't make the world a hundreds, doing now seems to have more than ten thousand, estimates the future is more than one hundred can be successful, I don't think this thing is ordinary people can go to a vote, everyone may control a very small amount for the investment, this is a basic chain,

Basis in the chain is divided into two parts, the first part, the basic technical chains, how do you make the distributed intelligent contracts, distributed data, data storage, distributed database, distributed computing, distributed network, a world is in the future, in order to protect the value of the data needed for any centralized database, centralized storage, it will be the value of the centralized control it, it is easy to be pirated, will be steal out, will be cheat, if you can decentralization, and encryption, to ensure the safety of the value of the data, it is worth the investment,

You want to understand, not distributed to improve efficiency, now a lot of centralized, such as ali cloud, its efficiency is very high, it is to protect the value of the data, make value belongs to the people, and do not belong to the company, alibaba's data belongs to every consumer, rather than to alibaba,

Technical economy, how to use the platform type, that is, you are in an industry to form a trading platform, do you use a block chain, can reduce the transaction costs to a minimum, for example, now do electrical business on alibaba, may need to spend 20% to 30% as transaction costs, the cost of the future may only need to spend on the chain 0.1% transaction cost, anyway, is very low, less than 5%,

A taxi such as platform, we charge 25% commission as a driver points now, may be the driver cost a total of only 40% to 50%, because there are gas, the depreciation of the car, why most of the profits to the platform, which is the economic model is not the same, the future economy, we will share more with less, the chain of future economy, in essence truly sharing socialism chain, how to share value with the laborer, share to consumers, to share with the creator, not share to Wall Street,

Drops, for example, 90% of the ownership belongs to the investors, belongs to Wall Street, is cast in dollars, 20% of people accept the driver is Wall Street's servants, how to let the human society is more flat, how to bring benefit to workers? Party's purpose is to make the working class, let the workers get profit is block chain can achieve something, you can't let to see economies laborer to reap the benefits, things like this can, but this kind of platform is very little,

Last, aided in the financial system of tools, such as all kinds of market, a variety of media, various robot data, mechanism of management, how to use technical means to prevent people from cheating, these also can go to investment, I think everyone here if it is a professional person, you can do a professional investment, if you're not a professional person, with the most simple way to buy some COINS calculate,

My so-called "never cashed out" for the simple reason, because of the currency of the future will be encrypted currency, you don't need to go to now, the future only others ready-made encryption currency, central Banks around the world are studying how to M0 online first, M0 is what concept, is your home and put the cash, cash is easy to cheat, the north koreans also looking for a person to do false RMB, many people can do false RMB, how can we put M0 chain, is the world's central Banks are studying,

Suppose we cash on the chain, that is encrypted currency, I speak we can in the future is waiting for them on the chains, and this time only need three to five years, is not a long time,

Wang feng: Shen Bo said China's project is the true and false, see foreign project is good or bad, how can here, wei star, what do you think, you - for a lot of projects in China,

Wei-shing Chen: I recently suggested that the media to get a Chinese anti-counterfeiting coalition, I began to feel a false really too many people, three ways of cheating, the first is false, the white paper, wang threw a lot of money, and then sell the Mr Wang to raise capital in the market, a hot market, common is this kind of situation, the second is a pyramid scheme, and find a person to sell Token, then give him a 20% commission, third, market manipulation, constantly put the good news, to sell yourself, put a bad news, oneself buy, these three kind of fraud is illegal, in fact is a criminal offence,

Many people believe that China's tube very tight, in fact, China is the loose tube, you see so many criminals criminal arrest, surrender to someone and being driven out, the public security bureau said temporarily do not accept this kind of case, what did you do the bad things, sooner or later caught up, how to identify, the government system needs a lot of time to study, I think ngo should self-discipline organization this matter, at least against fraud, against manipulation and against pyramid selling, the three have to do,

Have said a lot of chain, a lot of chain dies, it is now the starting point is to raise money, COINS, he raised after the second day to sell, he doesn't believe this kind of thing, a lot of people don't believe in encryption currency, so I think most of the chain is not necessary, because the chain is open source, don't need you to develop, because open source online, you take a good, etheric fang open source, you copy, why want to do your development, this to finance to do the chain, he is to cut chives with behind, this is going to identify,

In traditional investment, from the angel round, round A, B, C, the Pre - IPO to IBO, A, B, C only for institutional investors, and at the end of the listed Chinese chives can cast, what because, you in the name of protection of Chinese chives, I won't let you buy early, you can only to buy later, only when the leeks, protect the name of leeks, for the sake of leeks long A little bit better, A better future to cut, this makes sense!

In my point of view, A, B, C round of Chinese chives can be cast, retail can be, but as if it is the responsibility of institutional investors, investment should give ordinary retail you do bad, you can have A half, half of all the other retail shots, all retail you protected, this is the real protection of investors, this is the original financial engineering problem, why so much person for investment, the whole of China investment, profits more than 80% in the portfolio is being do do capital earned, total profit, in the United States more than 65% of the money is to be made investment people make, people on Wall Street to make more than 65% of the money, rather than the workers to earn, rather than the creator to earn, you in the name of the protection leek let they don't have money, that is to say, the vast majority of transaction costs were swept away by the financier to make, this is A problem, now we are to change problem, you can't moral justice said that I should make money is, my money is my very moral, I make money for my daughter can praise me, don't like you use this method to cut the leeks, also don't want to change it, face it,

Block chain is how to solve this problem, in the early days, with a protective strategy, the intelligence of protective contract to let ordinary people can come in, as an investor, like everybody in this room are all successful investors, these people should have more responsibility, because you have the right, you have more information, because you enjoy more education, because you contact more elite and outstanding entrepreneurs than others, you should go to protect others, you throw a little less, let the other people can also make money with you

Block chain is to change the unjust, is to change so many parasitic in the economy through the financial system parasites, parasites make away so much money,
Block chain is to change how to let workers sell direct benefit, to create value of consumers enjoy your benefit directly, isn't you of course donated to the Wall Street guys, this is the thing we are going to change, also is the so-called positive energy, cut chives is not positive energy, but no way, because there are so many people want to go to the speculation, disorderly buy COINS to make a fortune, he was cheated, you buy less money, buy a bit of,
Many countries owe the U.S. debt, such as Mongolia, Mongolia has a population of 3 million owed $14.8 billion national debt, a year to pay a $800 million national debt interest, how to pay the $800 million? Average Mongolian herders, they live in the set up is a cloth ger, he pay interest of americans more than $300 a year, where he made his money, how many sheep to keep interest to more than $300 in debt, but the dollars in the United States a penny a printed money, can let each Mongolian people to pay more than $300 a year, and is growing every year, a year must borrow new debt is debt, data maybe not correct, probably is such data, you can check online, many small countries around the world because people printed a piece of paper, even now are not printed paper, computer knock a few more zero, it through the financial transmission mechanism, the so-called macroeconomists has invented a system how to enslave people, this is about to change,

So the 19th report, the human society to solve the contradiction is not growing material and cultural life need and contradiction of the development of productivity, has now changed, now known as people's pursuit for a better life and uneven, inadequate development of contradictions,

Block chain do is how to share, how to let workers making profits, how to let the dollar hegemony, this by printing money can make the system be changed out of interest, how to make the monetary transmission mechanism become more low cost, how to make the transaction costs, more than 60% of the total amount of interest, to 10% of the total profit, this is the question that the society as a whole to consider,

CodePudding user response:

This is the question that the society as a whole to consider,
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