Please help me to find a more elegant way to rewrite this snippet using std::transform
or similar algorithm:
for (auto& warning : warnings)
NormalizePath(warning.path, GetParsedPathLength(warning.path), longestPathLength);
Where warning
is a struct
This is what I came up with:
std::transform(begin(warnings), end(warnings), begin(warnings),
[longestPathLength](auto& warning)
NormalizePath(warning.path, GetParsedPathLength(warning.path), longestPathLength);
return warning;
But it requires a copy of full data-structure. Is there a way to create a modifiable view of a original sequence that contains only path
member? So transform could be rewritten only accepting and returning modified path
. And in the end all the changes should affect original warnings
CodePudding user response:
With ranges (C 20), you might "shorter" first version to:
for (auto& path : warnings | std::views::transform(&Warning::path))
NormalizePath(path, GetParsedPathLength(path), longestPathLength);
CodePudding user response:
You can potentially create some temporary function through lambdas and function bindings:
auto func = [](int size, auto& str){
NormalizePath(str, GetParsedPathLength(str), size);
Then call the function with ranges::for_each
warnings, std::bind_front(func, longestPathLength), &warning::path