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How To Make a Quarter Circle using AutoLayout


How can I make a quadrant (quarter-circle) like the one below, using Auto-Layout in Swift? I understand that UIBezierPath is required but I can't seem to get it to work.

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Quick, simple example:

class QuarterCircleView: UIView {
    override func layoutSubviews() {
        // only add the shape layer once
        if layer.sublayers == nil {
            let lay = CAShapeLayer()
            lay.fillColor = UIColor.blue.cgColor
        if let lay = layer.sublayers?.first as? CAShapeLayer {
            let center = CGPoint(x: bounds.midX, y: bounds.midY)
            let bez  = UIBezierPath()
            bez.move(to: center)
            bez.addArc(withCenter: center, radius: bounds.width * 0.5, startAngle: .pi, endAngle: .pi * 1.5, clockwise: true)
            lay.path = bez.cgPath

Note: you really should show what you've tried when posting a question. Search for CAShapeLayer and read some tutorials.

CodePudding user response:

Modifying DonMag's answer slightly to make the view's layer a CAShapeLayer so we don't have to worry about adding a sublayer or checking for an existing sublayer:

class QuarterCircleView: UIView {

    // By adding this static var, we can change the type of our view's  layer (in this case, to a CAShapeLayer)
    static override var layerClass: AnyClass {
        return CAShapeLayer.self

    // This lets us use the view's layer as a CAShapeLayer without type casting.
    var shapeLayer: CAShapeLayer {
        return self.layer as! CAShapeLayer

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)
        shapeLayer.fillColor = UIColor.blue.cgColor

    // Every time we update our subviews, also regenerate our shape layer's path.
    override func layoutSubviews() {

        // We want a quarter-circle centered on the lower right of teh view.
        let center = CGPoint(x:bounds.maxX, y:bounds.maxY)
        let bez  = UIBezierPath()
        bez.move(to: center)

        // As long as our view is square, the below isn't needed, but let's be sure.
        let radius = min(bounds.width, bounds.height)
        bez.addArc(withCenter: center, radius: radius, startAngle: .pi, endAngle: .pi * 1.5, clockwise: true)
        shapeLayer.path = bez.cgPath


Mine looks like this: (With a 1-pixel border around the view so you can see its bounds: enter image description here

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