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Filtering array by input value react


I have a little problem with filtering my array.

I want display a product filtered by input value with a name or platform or something other value. With name is no problem, but i don't know how to do it with platforms.

Bottom is my logic and file with products, txh very much for help

live: live

repo: repo

const [inputText, setInputText] = useState('')

const inputHandler = e => {
        const text = e.target.value.toLowerCase()

const filteredData = PRODUCT_LIST.filter(el => {
        if (inputText === '') {
        } else {
            return el.name.toLowerCase().includes(inputText)
const PRODUCT_LIST = [
        id: 'gow',
        name: 'God of War',
        developer: 'Santa Monica Studio',
        category: 'games',
        platform: 'PlayStation 4',
        version: 'PL',
        price: 39,

CodePudding user response:

You need to make a conditional check.

First, check whether the search text matches the name; if it fits, return the list. If not, then check whether it matches the platform.

const filteredData = PRODUCT_LIST.filter(el => {

      const findByName = el?.name?.toLowerCase().includes(inputText);
      const findByPlatform = el?.platform?.toLowerCase().includes(inputText);

        if (inputText === '') {
        } else {
            return findByName || findByPlatform

CodePudding user response:

You should do something like this just return true when you are getting empty string. Let me know if it works.

const filteredData = PRODUCT_LIST.filter(el => {
    if (inputText === '') {
        return true;
    } else {
        return (el.name.toLowerCase().includes(inputText.toLowerCase()) || el.platform.toLowerCase().includes(inputText.toLowerCase()))
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