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How to Wrap dynamic string variables in double quoutes


I have static body which works great. But how I can wrap the same dynamic strings with double quotes - >""

Static Body

     var body = @"{"   "\n"  
        @"  ""profile"": {"   "\n"  
        @"    ""firstName"": ""Isaac1"","   "\n"  
        @"    ""lastName"": ""Brock1"","   "\n"  
        @"    ""email"": ""[email protected]"","   "\n"  
        @"    ""login"": ""[email protected]"","   "\n"  
        @"    ""mobilePhone"": ""555-415-1337"""   "\n"  
        @"  }"   "\n"  

Dyanmic Content (FirstName, LastName, Email, MobilePhone should all be wrapped with "")

var body1 = @"{"   "\n"  
                        @"  ""profile"": {"   "\n"  
                        @"    ""firstName"": "  firstName   ","   "\n"  
                        @"    ""lastName"": " lastName ","   "\n"  
                        @"    ""email"": " email ","   "\n"  
                        @"    ""login"": " email ","   "\n"  
                        @"    ""mobilePhone"": " mobilePhone ""   "\n"  
                        @"  }"   "\n"  

CodePudding user response:

you can wrap a variable using string escape syntax " \ ""

var body1 = @"{"   "\n"  
                        @"  ""profile"": {"   "\n"  
                        @"    ""firstName"": "   "\""   firstName   "\""   ","   "\n"  
                        @"    ""lastName"": "   "\""   lastName   "\""   ","   "\n"  
                        @"  }"   "\n"  

but IMHO it is more safe to create a json object and after this to serialize it to a json string , using Newtonsoft.Json for example

var body = new JObject {
      ["profile"]=new JObject {
      ["firstName"] = firstName,
      ["lastName"] = lastName

or you can replace JObject with an anonymos class and serialize after creaing.

  •  Tags:  
  • json
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