num = 0
def calculate1(player1, num):
if player1 == 1:
num = num player1
print(f"The number is {num}")
return (num)
elif player1 == 2:
num = num player1
print(f"The number is {num}")
return (num)
elif player1 == 3:
num = num player1
print(f"The number is {num}")
return (num)
#yrn = yes or no
yrn = input("Are you going to play game? (Y/N) : ").upper()
if yrn == "Y":
player1 = int(input("How many numbers are you going to add? : "))
num = calculate1(player1, num)
I want to make that if I type more than 3, the programme ask one more time to reenter the number. Please help meeeee
CodePudding user response:
You can use while & check condition inside the while whenever user inputs.
num = 0
def calculate1(player1, num):
if player1 == 1:
num = num player1
print(f"The number is {num}")
return (num)
elif player1 == 2:
num = num player1
print(f"The number is {num}")
return (num)
elif player1 == 3:
num = num player1
print(f"The number is {num}")
return (num)
#yrn = yes or no
yrn = input("Are you going to play game? (Y/N) : ").upper()
if yrn == "Y":
while 1:
player1 = int(input("How many numbers are you going to add? : "))
if player1 >3:
print("Should be less than 3 enter again")
num = calculate1(player1, num)
Sample outputs #
Are you going to play game? (Y/N) : y
How many numbers are you going to add? : 4
Should be less than 3 enter again
How many numbers are you going to add? : 3
The number is 3
CodePudding user response:
If you only want to ask once:
#yrn = yes or no
yrn = input("Are you going to play game? (Y/N) : ").upper()
if yrn == "Y":
player1 = int(input("How many numbers are you going to add? : "))
if player1 > 3:
player1 = int(input("How many numbers are you going to add? : "))
num = calculate1(player1, num)
But you if you want to keep asking:
#yrn = yes or no
yrn = input("Are you going to play game? (Y/N) : ").upper()
player1 = 10 # just larger than 3
if yrn == "Y":
while player1 > 3:
player1 = int(input("How many numbers are you going to add? : "))
num = calculate1(player1, num)
If you want to make it more fool proof (i.e. your code should never break) you can also update the function:
def calculate1(player1, num):
if player1 == 1:
num = num player1
print(f"The number is {num}")
return (num)
elif player1 == 2:
num = num player1
print(f"The number is {num}")
return (num)
elif player1 == 3:
num = num player1
print(f"The number is {num}")
return (num)
return None
#yrn = yes or no
yrn = input("Are you going to play game? (Y/N) : ").upper()
if yrn == "Y":
num = 0
while True:
player1 = input("How many numbers are you going to add? : ")
player1 = int(player1)
num = calculate1(player1, num)
if player1.lower() == 'quit' or player1.lower() == 'q':
num = None
if num is not None:
break # break while loop