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How to tell OCaml compiler the path of recently installed module


I already have OCaml installed on my Mac by running these commands:

$ brew install opam
$ opam init --bare -a -y
$ opam switch create cs3110-2022fa ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.0

Running any OCaml code which only uses Standard library modules works fine. Then I want to do a few things that are not covered with it, e.g reading CSV files.

$ opam install csv

Let's try to compile this code

open Printf
open Csv

let embedded_csv = "\
\"Banner clickins\"

let csvs =
  List.map (fun name -> name, Csv.load name)
           [ "examples/example1.csv"; "examples/example2.csv" ]

let () =
  let ecsv = Csv.input_all(Csv.of_string embedded_csv) in
    printf "---Embedded CSV---------------------------------\n" ;
    Csv.print_readable ecsv;

  List.iter (
    fun (name, csv) ->
      printf "---%s----------------------------------------\n" name;
      Csv.print_readable csv
  ) csvs;
  printf "Compare (Embedded CSV) example1.csv = %i\n"
         (Csv.compare ecsv (snd(List.hd csvs)))

let () =
  (* Save it to a file *)
  let ecsv = Csv.input_all(Csv.of_string embedded_csv) in
  let fname = Filename.concat (Filename.get_temp_dir_name()) "example.csv" in
  Csv.save fname ecsv;
  printf "Saved CSV to file %S.\n" fname

The result is:

$ ocamlopt csvdemo.ml -o csvdemo         
File "csvdemo.ml", line 2, characters 5-8:
2 | open Csv
Error: Unbound module Csv

How to tell OCaml compiler where to find Csv module path?

CodePudding user response:

This seems like a wonderful place to use Dune, but going a little bit old school you can use ocamlfind to locate the package.

% cat test2.ml
open Csv

let () = print_endline "hello"
% ocamlopt -I `ocamlfind query csv` -o test2 csv.cmxa test2.ml
% ./test2

Or alternatively:

ocamlfind ocamlopt -package csv -o test2 cvs.cmxa test2.ml 
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