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Python - openpyxl - Use openpyxl to get number of rows that contain a specific value


I'm newer to Python. I'm using openpyxl for a SEO project for my brother and I'm trying to get a number of rows that contain a specific value in them.

I have a spreadsheet that looks something like this: sample spreadsheet

I want to write a program that will get the keywords and parse them to a string by state, so like: Missouri = "search item 1, search item 2, search item 5, search item 6" Illinois = "search item 3, search item 4"

I have thus far created a program like this:

    #first, import openpyxl
    import openpyxl

    #next, give location of file
    path = "testExcel.xlsx"

    #Open workbook by creating object
    wb_object = openpyxl.load_workbook(path)

    #Get workbook active sheet object
    sheet_object = wb_object.active

    #Getting the value of maximum rows
    #and column
    row = sheet_object.max_row
    column = sheet_object.max_column
    print("Total Rows:", row)
    print("Total Columns:", column)

    #printing the value of forth column, state
    #Loop will print all values
    #of first column
    print("\nValue of fourth column")
    for i in range(4, row   1):
        cell_object = sheet_object.cell(row=i, column=4)
        split_item_test = cell_object.value.split(",")
        split_item_test_result = split_item_test[0]
        state = split_item_test_result
        if (state == 'Missouri'):
    print("All good")

The problem is after doing this, I see that it prints 1 repeatedly, but not a total number for Missouri. I would like a total number of mentions of the state, and then eventually get it to a string with each search criteria.

Is this possible with openpyxl? Or will I need a different library?

CodePudding user response:

ranemirusG is right, there are several ways to obtain the same result. Here's another option...I attempted to preserve your thought process, good luck.

print("\nValue of fourth column")

missouri_list = [] # empty list
illinois_list = [] # empty list

for i in range(2, row 1): # It didn't look like "4, row 1" captured the full sheet, try (2, row 1)
    cell_object = sheet_object.cell(row=i, column=4)
    keyword = sheet_object.cell(row=i, column=1)
    keyword_fmt = keyword.value # Captures values in Keyword column
    split_item_test = cell_object.value.split(",")
    split_item_test_result = split_item_test[1] # 1 captures states
    state = split_item_test_result

    # simple if statement to capture results in a list
    if 'Missouri' in state:
    if 'Illinois' in state:
print(len(missouri_list)) # Counts the number of occurances
print(len(illinois_list)) # Counts the number of occurances
print("All good")

CodePudding user response:

Yes, it's possible to do it with openpyxl. To achieve your real goal try something like this:

states_and_keywords  = {}
for i in range(4, row   1):
    cell_object = sheet_object.cell(row=i, column=4)
    split_item_test = cell_object.value.split(",")
    split_item_test_result = split_item_test[1] #note that the element should be 1 for the state
    state = split_item_test_result.strip(" ") #trim whitespace (after comma)
    keyword = cell_object.offset(0,-3).value #this gets the value of the keyword for that row
    if state not in states_and_keywords:
        states_and_keywords[state] = [keyword]
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