I am calculating the percent overlap between pairs of animal home ranges, which are represented as sldf objects (Spatial Lines Data Frame). To do so, I created an empty vector, and then made a loop calculating the home ranges and the percent overlap before filling the empty vector with those overlap values.
Here is the last part of my loop:
#Calculate percent overlap
base_area <- gArea(sldf)
intersections<-gIntersection(sldf, sldf2)
Overlap[i]<-overlap #Place overlap value in empty vector
When there is no overlap between my two polygons, my loop stops and I get an error. This error is associated with the line of code
intersections<-gIntersection(sldf, sldf2)
The error is
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find an inherited method for function ‘is.projected’ for signature ‘"NULL"’
My issue is that some of my overlaps will necessarily be zero. This is not something I can change as it is part of my data.
I'm trying to find a way for my loop to override this error and place the value zero in my vector when this occurs. So far, I have tried the following as suggested in comments:
intersections <- try(gIntersection(sldf, sldf2), silent=T)
intersections <- 0
However, this causes the next line of code (overlap<-gArea(intersections)/base_area
) to crash because the function gArea is meant to handle spatial objects only, not numeric objects like zero. It returns the warning Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function ‘is.projected’ for signature ‘"numeric"’
I've also tried using the dplyr function if_else and purrr.possibly, but no luck. I get the same error. Any suggestions?
CodePudding user response:
You can use try
from the BBmisc
library with is_null
, as follows:
intersections <- try(gIntersection(sldf, sldf2), silent=T)
intersections <- 0
overlap <- 0
overlap <- gArea(intersections)/base_area
Hope it helps.