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move the variable ''x'' 12 cell down in ''for each x in y''


I am writing a code to automatically write information in a specific cell if there is matching information between a main list and a masterlist.

This is the main list which will be printed. main list

And this is the masterlist which is a bank of components.


in my test, the information i am trying to compare would be "test" cells C3 and C180 and "test2" cells C15 and C191 and the information to be written is a183:C189 to A6:C12 and A194:C200 to A18:C24 if there is a match.

Here is part of the code i have written :

Sub FR_3_08_Filerie_remplissage_automatique()

'sélection worksheet
Set filerie = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("FR-3-08_Filerie")

'tableau liste filerie colonne 1
Dim tableau_fi1 As range
Dim nbrligne_fi1 As Integer
Set tableau_fi1 = filerie.range("c3:c75")
nbrligne_fi1 = tableau_fi1.Rows.Count

'tableau liste filerie colonne 2
Dim tableau_fi2 As range
Dim nbrligne_fi2 As Integer
Set tableau_fi2 = filerie.range("n3:n75")
nbrligne_fi2 = tableau_fi2.Rows.Count

'tableau catalogue carte
Dim tableau_cc As range
Dim nbrligne_cc As Integer
Set tableau_cc = filerie.range("c180:c191")
nbrligne_cc = tableau_cc.Columns.Count

'recherche du duplicata
Dim masterlist As range

'code start

For k = 1 To nbrligne_fi1

    If IsEmpty(tableau_fi1(k, 1)) = False Then 'si cellule vide skip
        Set carte_actif = tableau_fi1(k, 1) 'mise en mémoire du composant de la cellule actif du tableau de filerie
        For Each masterlist In tableau_cc 'recherche de duplicata dans le catalogue de carte
            If carte_actif.Value = masterlist.Value Then 'si il y a duplicata, écriture de information
                'mise en mémoire des cellules utilisé dans les 2 tableaux
                Set couleur1 = carte_actif.Offset(3, 0)
                Set couleur2 = carte_actif.Offset(5, 0)
                Set couleur3 = carte_actif.Offset(7, 0)
                Set couleur4 = carte_actif.Offset(9, 0)
                Set mcouleur1 = tableau_cc.Offset(3, 0)
                Set mcouleur2 = tableau_cc.Offset(5, 0)
                Set mcouleur3 = tableau_cc.Offset(7, 0)
                Set mcouleur4 = tableau_cc.Offset(9, 0)
                Set deg1 = carte_actif.Offset(3, -1)
                Set deg2 = carte_actif.Offset(5, -1)
                Set deg3 = carte_actif.Offset(7, -1)
                Set deg4 = carte_actif.Offset(9, -1)
                Set mdeg1 = tableau_cc.Offset(3, -1)
                Set mdeg2 = tableau_cc.Offset(5, -1)
                Set mdeg3 = tableau_cc.Offset(7, -1)
                Set mdeg4 = tableau_cc.Offset(9, -1)
                Set qty1 = carte_actif.Offset(3, -2)
                Set qty2 = carte_actif.Offset(5, -2)
                Set qty3 = carte_actif.Offset(7, -2)
                Set qty4 = carte_actif.Offset(9, -2)
                Set mqty1 = tableau_cc.Offset(3, -2)
                Set mqty2 = tableau_cc.Offset(5, -2)
                Set mqty3 = tableau_cc.Offset(7, -2)
                Set mqty4 = tableau_cc.Offset(9, -2)
                'écriture de l'information dans le tableau couple de serrage
                couleur1.Value = mcouleur1.Value
                couleur2.Value = mcouleur2.Value
                couleur3.Value = mcouleur3.Value
                couleur4.Value = mcouleur4.Value
                deg1.Value = mdeg1.Value
                deg2.Value = mdeg2.Value
                deg3.Value = mdeg3.Value
                deg4.Value = mdeg4.Value
                qty1.Value = mqty1.Value
                qty2.Value = mqty2.Value
                qty3.Value = mqty3.Value
                qty4.Value = mqty4.Value
            End If
        Next masterlist

    End If
    k = k   11
Next k

End Sub

The variable i am trying to move is ''masterlist'' in For Each masterlist In tableau_cc down 11 cells each loop which would move from test to test2 in the image bank of components. Else the code tries to verify each cell between the 2 which take more time for the code to finish.

I tried code like masterlist = masterlist.offset(11, 0) but it copies the information in C191 to c180.

I also played with .end(xdown) by moving C180 and C191 to ''E'' but i have the same problem and a new 1 by having for example Set deg1 = carte_actif.Offset(3, -1) broken. the -1 and any other number work but when i enter -3 i get an error which is what i need...

what would be the solution to move ''masterlist'' in the code 12 cells down each loop?


the range written is for test purpose as the range will grow as i add more component in my list. currently it is "C180:C279" but could go to C400 in the future. it is the reason i am trying to move the variable "masterlist" 11 row down each loop.

currently i am using Set tableau_cc = filerie.range("c180, c191, c202, c213, c224, c235, c246, c257, c268, c279") as a solution to force verification on specific cell insteal of the whole range. i will have to add manualy each cell as i expand the masterlist with more component. also added a exit for after the information has been transfered to make the loop faster

CodePudding user response:

The information i am trying to compare would be test cells C3 and C180 and test2 cells C15 and C191 and the information to be written is a183:C189 to A6:C12 and A194:C200 to A18:C24 if there is a match.

Sub copy()

Dim cll3, cll15, cll180, cll191

With Sheets("FR-3-08_Filerie")

    Set cll3 = .Range("C3")
    Set cll15 = .Range("C15")
    Set cll180 = .Range("C180")
    Set cll191 = .Range("C191")
    If cll3 = cll180 Then
        cll3.Offset(3, 0) = cll180.Offset(3, 0)
        cll3.Offset(5, 0) = cll180.Offset(5, 0)
        cll3.Offset(7, 0) = cll180.Offset(7, 0)
        cll3.Offset(9, 0) = cll180.Offset(9, 0)
        cll3.Offset(3, -1) = cll180.Offset(3, -1)
        cll3.Offset(5, -1) = cll180.Offset(5, -1)
        cll3.Offset(7, -1) = cll180.Offset(7, -1)
        cll3.Offset(9, -1) = cll180.Offset(9, -1)
        cll3.Offset(3, -2) = cll180.Offset(3, -2)
        cll3.Offset(5, -2) = cll180.Offset(5, -2)
        cll3.Offset(7, -2) = cll180.Offset(7, -2)
        cll3.Offset(9, -2) = cll180.Offset(9, -2)
    End If
    If cll15 = cll191 Then
        cll15.Offset(3, 0) = cll191.Offset(3, 0)
        cll15.Offset(5, 0) = cll191.Offset(5, 0)
        cll15.Offset(7, 0) = cll191.Offset(7, 0)
        cll15.Offset(9, 0) = cll191.Offset(9, 0)
        cll15.Offset(3, -1) = cll191.Offset(3, -1)
        cll15.Offset(5, -1) = cll191.Offset(5, -1)
        cll15.Offset(7, -1) = cll191.Offset(7, -1)
        cll15.Offset(9, -1) = cll191.Offset(9, -1)
        cll15.Offset(3, -2) = cll191.Offset(3, -2)
        cll15.Offset(5, -2) = cll191.Offset(5, -2)
        cll15.Offset(7, -2) = cll191.Offset(7, -2)
        cll15.Offset(9, -2) = cll191.Offset(9, -2)
    End If
End With

End Sub

CodePudding user response:

Untested but should be close:

Sub FR_3_08_Filerie_remplissage_automatique()

    Dim wb As Workbook, filerie As Worksheet, cModel As Range, i As Long
    Dim model, cMatch As Range, matched As Boolean, rw As Long, col As Long
    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    Set filerie = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("FR-3-08_Filerie")
    Set cModel = filerie.Range("C3") 'first model value to search for
        i = i   1
        If Len(cModel.Value) > 0 Then            'anything to look for?
            Set cMatch = filerie.Range("C180")   'first cell to match on
            Do While cMatch.Row < 400            'adjust max row as needed
                If cMatch.Value = cModel.Value Then
                    For col = -2 To 0
                        For rw = 2 To 8 Step 2
                            cModel.Offset(rw, col).Value = cMatch.Offset(rw, col).Value
                        Next rw
                    Next col
                End If
                Set cMatch = cMatch.Offset(11)
        End If
        If i Mod 2 = 1 Then
            Set cModel = cModel.Offset(0, 11)   'move over to the right
            Set cModel = cModel.Offset(12, -11) 'move down and back to the left
        End If
    Loop While cModel.Row < 80
End Sub
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