I have to use Java to programmatically create a GitHub repository and push code to it. Please advise on the best method to use. Also please share any code snippet or related links for the utility.
I referred jgit library, has anyone used it? I also referred hub, gh and command line utility.
CodePudding user response:
You can use the GitHub Rest API.
Generate a Personal Access Token from Settings > Developers Settings > Personal Access Tokens
Once generated use that to call the endpoint -
with body
{"name": "REPO_NAME"}
and Header
Authorization: token PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN
Example Curl:
curl -H "Authorization: token PERSONAL_ACCESS TOKEN" https://api.github.com/user/repos -d '{"name": "REPO_NAME"}'
Reference Doc: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/repos/repos?apiVersion=2022-11-28#create-a-repository-for-the-authenticated-user
CodePudding user response:
The gitlab4j api is a great library to do so : https://github.com/gitlab4j/gitlab4j-api
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.gitlab4j/gitlab4j-api -->
I'm using to read files from repo, commit and create merge requests :
try {
var branchName = "BRANCH-" random.nextLong();
var action = new CommitAction();
try (var glapi = new GitLabApi(GIT_HOSTNAME, token)) {
glapi.getCommitsApi().createCommit(REPO_NAME, branchName, message, VERSION, null, null, action);
return glapi.getMergeRequestApi().createMergeRequest(DB_REPO_NAME, branchName, VERSION, message,
message, ADMIN_USER_ID);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new DataException(ex);
how to create a new repo, a new master branch and your first commit :
try (var glapi = new GitLabApi("https://gitlab.com/", token)) {
var projectApi = glapi.getProjectApi();
var project = projectApi.createProject("my-repo");
// my-repo created
var action = new CommitAction();
action.withContent("### ignore some files ###").withFilePath(".gitignore").setAction(Action.CREATE);
glapi.getCommitsApi().createCommit("my-repo", "master", "my first commit", "master", "[email protected]",
"author", action);
// yoru first commit
for github you can use https://github.com/hub4j/github-api
public void testCreateRepoPublic() throws Exception {
GHUser myself = gitHub.getMyself();
String repoName = "test-repo-public";
GHRepository repo = gitHub.createRepository(repoName).private_(false).create();
try {
assertThat(repo.isPrivate(), is(false));
assertThat(myself.getRepository(repoName).isPrivate(), is(true));
assertThat(myself.getRepository(repoName).isPrivate(), is(false));
} finally {
commiting multiple files :
var repo = github.getRepository("my-repo");
GHRef mainRef = repo.getRef("heads/master");
String mainTreeSha = repo.getTreeRecursive("master", 1).getSha();
GHTreeBuilder treeBuilder = repo.createTree().baseTree(mainTreeSha);
treeBuilder.add("file1.txt", Files.readAllBytes(Path.of("file1.txt"), false);
treeBuilder.add("file2.json", Files.readAllBytes(Path.of("file2.json"), false);
treeBuilder.add("dir1/dir2/file3.xml", Files.readAllBytes(Path.of("dir1/dir2/file3.xml"), false);
String treeSha = treeBuilder.create().getSha();
GHCommit commit = repo.createCommit()
.message("adding multiple files example")
.author("author", "[email protected]", new Date())
.committer("committer", "[email protected]", new Date())
String commitSha = commit.getSHA1();