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How to reshape dataframe to turn Columns into Rows using R?


Sorry in case the title is unclear I'm not 100% how to phrase my problem. I have a Dataframe that looks something like this:

date Location A Variable 1 Location A Variable 2 Location B Variable 1 Location B Variable 2
Jan 20 2 2 2 2
Feb 20 2 2 2 2
... ... 2 2 2
Dec 20 2 2 2 2

and I would like it to look like this:

date Location Variable 1 Variable 2 Variable...
Jan 20 A 2 2 .
Jan 20 B 2 2 .
Feb 20 A 2 2 .
Feb 20 B 2 2 .
... ... 2 2 .
Dec 20 A 2 2 .
Dec 20 B 2 2 .

CodePudding user response:

If we have spaces in the column name

pivot_longer(df1, cols = -date, names_to = c("Location", ".value"), 
     names_pattern = "\\w \\s (\\w )\\s (.*)")


# A tibble: 4 × 4
  date   Location `Variable 1` `Variable 2`
  <chr>  <chr>           <int>        <int>
1 Jan 20 A                   2            2
2 Jan 20 B                   2            2
3 Feb 20 A                   2            2
4 Feb 20 B                   2            2


df1 <- structure(list(date = c("Jan 20", "Feb 20"), `Location A Variable 1` = c(2L, 
2L), `Location A Variable 2` = c(2L, 2L), `Location B Variable 1` = c(2L, 
2L), `Location B Variable 2` = c(2L, 2L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

CodePudding user response:

Another way could be first with renaming:


df1  %>% 
  rename_with(., ~str_replace_all(., 'Variable', '_Variable')) %>% 
    cols = -date,
    names_to = c("Location", ".value"), 
    names_sep = '_') %>% 
  mutate(Location = str_squish(str_remove(Location, "Location")))
 date   Location `Variable 1` `Variable 2`
  <chr>  <chr>           <int>        <int>
1 Jan 20 A                   2            2
2 Jan 20 B                   2            2
3 Feb 20 A                   2            2
4 Feb 20 B                   2            2
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