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Why is `outer` slower than a `for` loop in R?


u <- rnorm(10000)
v <- rnorm(10000)

# `outer`
system.time(mat1 <- outer(u, v , `<`))
   user  system elapsed 
   1.80    1.34    3.32 

# `for` loop
  mat2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(u), ncol = length(v))
  for(i in seq_along(v)) {
    mat2[, i] <- u < v[i]
   user  system elapsed 
   0.97    0.02    1.01 

identical(mat1, mat2)
# [1] TRUE

CodePudding user response:

If you use bench::press() with the four options set out you can get a sense of the trade-off between memory and speed described by David Arenburg in the comments. I like enter image description here

With 100 rows, vapply is slower than the other methods, and there's no difference in gc() calls (garbage collection).

However, once the data is larger than that, we can see that vapply() does a lot less garbage collection and is a lot faster.

Similarly, in the final facet (1e4 rows and columns), we can see that the for loop has less garbage collection and tends to be faster than outer().

Code to generate this:

sizes <- c(1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4)

results <- bench::press(
    size = sizes,
        u <- rnorm(size)
        v <- rnorm(size)

            min_iterations = 10,
            check = FALSE,
            outer = {
                mat <- outer(u, v, `<`)
            loop = {
                mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(u), ncol = length(v))
                for (i in seq_along(v)) {
                    mat[, i] <- u < v[i]
            vapply = {
                mat <- vapply(seq_along(v), \(i) u < v[i], logical(length(u)))
            seq = {
                mat <- as.matrix(
                        rep(u, times = ceiling(length(v) / length(u))),
                        rep(v, rep.int(length(u), length(v)))
                    nrow = length(u)


Disclaimer: These are the results on one machine (an unremarkable fairly old laptop). I didn't get the same magnitude of discrepancy between outer() and the for loop as you did so your results may differ.

CodePudding user response:

Not an answer just a benchmark with 100 repetitions, with two additional codes provided in the comments


    mat1 <- outer(u, v , `<`)
    mat2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(u), ncol = length(v))
    for(i in seq_along(v)) {
      mat2[, i] <- u < v[i]
    mat3 <- matrix(
      `<`(rep(u, times = ceiling(length(v)/length(u))), rep(v, rep.int(length(u), length(v)))),
      nrow = length(u), ncol = length(v)
    mat4 <- vapply(seq_along(v), function(i) u < v[i], logical(length(u)))

Unit: milliseconds
   expr      min       lq      mean    median        uq      max neval cld
  outer 699.9203 876.1811 1071.5173 1010.6888 1191.9587 2913.109   100   c
   loop 528.7204 620.2197  714.3295  668.7907  763.5013 1164.178   100  b 
    rep 627.0500 730.9696  964.0966  838.9883  984.2554 9111.802   100   c
 vapply 338.7537 395.2330  478.9374  441.3241  517.2067 1011.938   100 a  
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