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denied permissions to access the device's location


Position? position;
List<Placemark>? placeMarks;

getCurrentLocation() async
    Position newPosition = await Geolocator.getCurrentPosition(
      desiredAccuracy: LocationAccuracy.high, //exact location use high
    position = newPosition; //get longitude and latitude
    placeMarks = await placemarkFromCoordinates(
    Placemark pMark = placeMarks![0];
    String completeAddress = '${pMark.subThoroughfare} ${pMark.thoroughfare}, '
        '${pMark.subLocality} ${pMark.locality}, ${pMark.subAdministrativeArea}, '
        '${pMark.administrativeArea} ${pMark.postalCode}, ${pMark.country}'; 
    location.text = completeAddress;

child: ElevatedButton.icon(
                          onPressed: (){
                          icon: const Icon(

i don't have error in my android studio but when i click button to get current location, it didn't appear my current location.

CodePudding user response:

You have to also request the location permission from the user. The permission_handler package allows you to use the system dialog to ask for permission:

if (await Permission.locationWhenInUse.request().isGranted) {
  // Either the permission was already granted before or the user just granted it.

If permission was already granted, it won't ask the user again but will return true. It also allows you to check if location is turned on:

if (await Permission.locationWhenInUse.serviceStatus.isEnabled) {
  // Use location.

You have to request the locationWhenInUse permission before asking for locationAlways.

(All examples adapted from the package README.)

CodePudding user response:

Use permission_handler Package, There are a number of Permissions. You can get a Permission's status, which is either granted, denied, restricted or permanentlyDenied.

var status = await Permission.camera.status;
if (status.isDenied) {
  // We didn't ask for permission yet or the permission has been denied before but not permanently.

// You can can also directly ask the permission about its status.
if (await Permission.location.isRestricted) {
  // The OS restricts access, for example because of parental controls.

Call request() on a Permission to request it. If it has already been granted before, nothing happens. request() returns the new status of the Permission.

if (await Permission.location.request().isGranted) {
  // Either the permission was already granted before or the user just granted it.

// You can request multiple permissions at once.
Map<Permission, PermissionStatus> statuses = await [
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