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Sorting a text file in Java per line


I'm a newbie in Java and I have a file where every first line is the title of every second. For example the text file looks like this:

John Holm


Anna Karina



where every first line is the name of a person and every second is their favourite colour. Now I would like to use the information to for example find what is for example John Holm's favourite colour or change his favourite colour to green instead. How do I best access the data?

I tried with scanner to see all the lines where blue reoccurs, but I cannot get the code to write the previous line.

Should I split the text file into a table with name and favColour as columns or is there a way to assign the previous line to the next line as a name in Java? I also thought of splitting the file every second line. However, I am unsure which solution would be most efficient. Would be very thankful for some insights!

CodePudding user response:

I think a solution would be to create an object containing the properties of your characters (their name and their favourite colour). So, you can create a class named like how you want to name your object (let's call it Person), and set the name and the favourite colour as attribute of your Person object:

public class Person {

private String name;
private String favColour;

    public Person(String name, String favColour) { // Constructor of your object
        this.name = name; // Setting name
        this.favColour = favColour; // Setting favourite colour


Now, create a main method to read your file, store the values into two lists, one containing the names, the other the colours, and then creating as many Person objects as you need:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        File file = new File("src/wherever you stored it"); // Enter the file path as a String here
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file); // Create a scanner that will read your file
        List<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); // List that will contain the names read from the scanner 
        List<String> colours = new ArrayList<>(); // By the way don't forget to import *java.util.List* and *java.util.ArrayList* if your IDE doesn't do it automatically
        int index = 0; // The index that'll know whether you store a name or a colour
        try {
            while(scanner.hasNext()) { // While the scanner still reads something from the file
                if(index%2==0) { // If the index is even
                    names.add(scanner.next()); // Add the line to the names list
                    index  ;
                } else {
                    colours.add(scanner.next()); // Else add it to the colours list
                    index  ;
        } catch (Exception e) { // Don't forget to import *java.io.IOException*
            System.err.println("Error: "   e.getMessage()); // You can write a custom message that will appear in your console if there's an error, e.g. if the program can't find your file
        scanner.close(); // Close your scanner
        // Now you can create a new Person object
        Person p1 = new Person(names.get(0), colours.get(0)); // Create a Person object called p1, with the first element (index 0) of names and colours lists as attributes
        System.out.println(p1); // Print your Person


Almost done, the last line must print some weird string. If you want to print your Person properly, you have to override the toString() method of your object:

// In the Person class:
public String toString() {
    return "Name: "   this.name   "\nFavourite colour: "   this.favColour;

Now try again and you'll see the console prints properly what you want to see. In the case of the example you gave, your console should print:

Name: John Holm

Favourite colour: blue

You can create as many Person objects as you want, and maybe store them into a list as well. Feel free to ask anything you didn't understand or think is wrong :)

CodePudding user response:

  1. Split into lines (how to)
  2. Run a for-loop over the lines advancing 2 each iteration.
  3. For each iteration of the loop, read the current line (name) and the next (color), and insert into a hashmap as key-value.
  4. Look up a person from the map as needed.

Alternatively, read the files two lines at a time and create the map incrementally.

I’m not going to provide code because:

  1. Each of these steps can be found on Google/Stackoverflow.
  2. The best way to learn is by writing code yourself.
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