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Suffering to create a regular expression


I am creating an asset management system where said asset was assigned a control number.

This code consists of type of options the first one is It starts with the letter P is capitalized, followed by a number ranging from 0-7, then a hyphen, then three or two uppercase letters, followed by a hyphen and ends with a 5 digit.

This regular expression


has already been created and works correctly. My problem is with the second option which starts with SOT, then a hyphen, then three or two uppercase letters, followed by a hyphen and ends with a 5 digit.

My interpretation of this expression was


But when I check that it is correct I get my own "pattern does not match" message and I have been looking for hours for the error. If you got as far as thanks for reading and helping me.


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<header >
    <?php include 'templates/header.php' ?>

<aside >
    <?php include 'templates/menu.php'; ?>

        <div >
                <label for="select">Buscar por:</label>
            <select id="select" name="select">
                <option value=''>---Seleccione---</option>  
                <option value="B">N° Bien</option>
                <option value="C">N° Control</option>
                <input type="text" name="valor" id="valor" >
                <button name="btn-buscar"  id="btn-buscar">Buscar</button>
        <div >
            <p ></p>

<footer >
    <?php include 'templates/footer.php' ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/select.js"></script>
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 const d=document;

d.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', e=>{

function detectarOpcion () {
let $input=d.getElementById('valor'),

d.querySelector('#select').addEventListener('change', e=>{

if (e.target.value==='B') {

 $input.addEventListener('keyup', e=>{
    if ($input.value==='') {
        $mensaje.textContent='El campo es requerido';
    if (!$input.value.match(/^[0-9]{6,7}$/)) {
        $mensaje.textContent='Debe ser un número de 6 o 7 digitos';
        $mensaje.style.textAlign = 'center';
        $mensaje.style.width = '62%' 

} if (e.target.value==='C') {

    $input.addEventListener('keyup', e=>{
    if ($input.value==='') {
        $mensaje.textContent='El campo es requerido';
    if (!$input.value.match(/^((P){1}[0-7]{1})-([A-Z]{2,3})-([0-9]{5})$/) || !$input.value.match(/^SOT-([A-Z]{2,3})-([0-9]{5})$/)) {
        $mensaje.textContent='No cumple con el patrón';
        $mensaje.style.textAlign = 'center';
        $mensaje.style.width = '62%' 
    }else if () {

} if (e.target.value==='') {



CodePudding user response:

Your regex is correct, but your test here is wrong:

if (!$input.value.match(/^((P){1}[0-7]{1})-([A-Z]{2,3})-([0-9]{5})$/) || !$input.value.match(/^SOT-([A-Z]{2,3})-([0-9]{5})$/)) {

You're using OR on two negatives. If a code matches the first regex it won't match the second and the expression is true, and vice versa.

Try this form:

if ($input.value.match(/^((P){1}[0-7]{1})-([A-Z]{2,3})-([0-9]{5})$/) ||
     $input.value.match(/^SOT-([A-Z]{2,3})-([0-9]{5})$/)) {
  // Value matches successfully
} else {
 // Value doesn't match

Alternatively, build both options into one regex, then there's only one test to do:

if ($input.value.match(/^(SOT|P[0-7])-([A-Z]{2,3})-([0-9]{5})$/)) {
   // Match
} else {
   // No match

This looks for SOT or P0 to P7 in the first group, then carries on as before.

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