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how to debug java-script code along with .ndoejs


I am having problems while debugging a javascript that is written with .nodejs, I am using third-party apps like bug battle, Qt, etc.

I have also tried different apps like embrace and Bug battle but was not able to do anything.

CodePudding user response:

To debug JavaScript code that is running in Node.js, you can use the debugger statement in your code to stop execution at that point and allow you to inspect the values of variables and the call stack at that point. To start debugging your Node.js code, you will need to run the code using the node debug command followed by the name of the script you want to debug.

For example:

node debug myScript.js This will start the debugger and the script will pause execution at the first line. You can then use the n command to execute the next line of code, and the c command to continue execution until the next breakpoint or until the end of the script.

You can also set breakpoints in your code by using the debugger statement. For example:

function myFunction() { // code here debugger; // more code here } This will cause the debugger to pause execution when it reaches the debugger statement. You can then inspect variables and the call stack at that point.

To see a list of all available debugger commands, you can use the help command while the debugger is running.

CodePudding user response:

Debugging node.js code can be tough, especially when you're using third-party tools. Here are some tips that might help you fix problems in your code:

  • Use console.log to see the values of variables and expressions at different parts of your code. This can help you figure out what's going wrong and where the issue might be.
  • Use a debugger like Node.js's built-in one or Chrome DevTools to step through your code and check the values of variables.
  • Make sure you have good error handling. Node.js will throw an error if it encounters a problem, and you can use try-catch blocks to handle these errors and log them for debugging
  • Use a linter like ESLint to catch syntax errors and other issues.
  • If you're using third-party libraries or frameworks, make sure you understand how they work and how they might be impacting your code.
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