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How to read input line from console into list of multiple values?



I want to input multiple values (see commented line below), so the user can easily search for multiple values and loop can find the values.

How can I change the input to a lists of text, so that the program check everything? Like this: what_to_look = ['james','tom'].split() How about 1 per line – when reading it from a file.txt?  I think I am getting a wrong result, post_id is actual id of post URL. I want to know if and what is the id of specific post py listing their name in file.txt. With that said, "james kim" should give answers: 5 and 9 but not a 5 and 6.

title = ['james','tom','kim']
post_ids = [5,6,9]
what_to_look = input('Enter Name: ')   # convert this like (what_to_look = ['james','tom'] )

# search for the values
if what_to_look in title:
    position = title.index(what_to_look)
    post_id = post_ids[position]
    print('found', post_id)
    print('not found')

How can I convert the input into a list like ('james','kim')?

CodePudding user response:

I think you want to take a list of values as input you can input it using the below code, for example

what_to_look = input().split()

then you can enter the values as space separated text in single line. Hope that help!

CodePudding user response:

You can achieve it through split():

title = ['james','tom','kim']
post_ids = [5,6,9]
what_to_look = input('Enter Name: ') 

You can split the string value into a list;

entered_list = what_to_look.split()

This will create a list from the entered string.

Edit: It's recommended that you use a delimiter for the entered value as suggested by @hc_dev. This will create a better user experience and lead to better search results.

CodePudding user response:

Use split() and iterate splitted what_to_look input and get its index if it in the title list:

title = ['james','tom','kim']
post_ids = [5,6,9]

what_to_look = input('Enter Name: ').split()

for name in what_to_look:
    if name in title:
        post_id = post_ids[title.index(name)]
        print('Found', post_id)
        print('Not found')


Enter Name: james tom
Found 5
Found 6

Enter Name: tom jerry
Found 5
Not found

CodePudding user response:

Python strings provide the .split function which breaks it into a list according to the specified separator.

For instance, names = what_to_look.split(" ") will break the what_to_look at each spaces.

For further reference, here is a link to the doc split

CodePudding user response:

Here is a demo on IdeOne to try:

titles = ['james','tom','kim']
locations = [5,6,9]

find_str = input('Find Names (separated by space): ') 
terms = find_str.split()   # split entered string by delimiter space into a list

print('Searching for terms:', terms)
for t in terms:  # loop through each given name and search it in titles
  if t.lower() in titles:  # compare lower-case, if found inside titles
    i = titles.index(t.lower())  # find position which is index for other list 
    loc = locations[i]  # use found position to get location number or URL
    print("Found given term:", t, "on index:", i, " has location:", loc)

My input (3 terms separated by space):

James t. kirk

Console output (incl. entered line):

Find Names (separated by space): James t. kirk
Searching for terms: ['James', 't.', 'kirk']
Found given term: James on index: 0  has location: 5
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