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Powershell - save value from hashtable to a @{}


i have some azure app service and each one have their config. I would like to get that setting and store it into a variable @{}. So when i run:

    $srcapp = Get-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName "myrg" -Name "myapp"

i got the config in a Hashtable:

Name   Value
----   -----
Tetst3 78910
Test2  4567
Test   1234

after that i would like to put it in a @{} to define the hashtable:


is it possible?


CodePudding user response:

$srcapp.SiteConfig.AppSettings returns an object of type System.Collections.Generic.IList[Microsoft.Azure.Management.WebSites.Models.NameValuePair]:

$webapp = Get-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName "myrg" -Name "myapp";

write-host ($webapp.SiteConfig | gm -Name "AppSettings").Definition;
# System.Collections.Generic.IList[
#    Microsoft.Azure.Management.WebSites.Models.NameValuePair
# ] AppSettings {get;set;}

$appsettings = $webapp.SiteConfig.AppSettings

# Name   Value
# ----   -----
# Tetst3 78910
# Test2  4567
# Test   1234

Note you can also make one for testing like this:

$appsettings = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.Azure.Management.WebSites.Models.NameValuePair]] @(
    [Microsoft.Azure.Management.WebSites.Models.NameValuePair]::new("Tetst3", "78910"),
    [Microsoft.Azure.Management.WebSites.Models.NameValuePair]::new("Test2",  "4567"),
    [Microsoft.Azure.Management.WebSites.Models.NameValuePair]::new("Test",   "1234")

# Name   Value
# ----   -----
# Tetst3 78910
# Test2  4567
# Test   1234

To convert this to a System.Collections.Hashtable you could do something like this:

$hashtable = $appsettings | foreach-object `
    -Begin   { $tmp = @{}; } `
    -Process { $tmp.Add($_.Name, $_.Value); } `
    -End     { return $tmp; }

$hashtable | Format-Table -AutoSize;
# Name   Value
# ----   -----
# Tetst3 78910
# Test2  4567
# Test   1234

Sure, it looks the same when it gets serialised for output, but they're completely different underlying types in memory...

If you specifically want a stringified version of the hashtable you can do this:

$psobject = new-object pscustomobject -Property $hashtable;
$output = "$psobject";
# @{Tetst3=78910; Test2=4567; Test=1234}

or, if you need it to be stringified exactly like your example, you can do this:

$result = "@{"   `
    (($hashtable.GetEnumerator() | foreach-object {
    }) -join ";")   `

# @{"Tetst3"="78910";"Test2"="4567";"Test"="1234"}

But be aware that it will probably break if your data has special characters like quotes in it...

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