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Making one column merge into another column, and superscript in the merged column (adding pvalue sig



a <- c("Green", "Red", "Blue", "Orange")
b <- c(100, 408, 39, 102)
c <- c(12000, 3100, 2410, 503)
d <- c("*", "*", "*", "***")
data <- data.frame(a, b, c, d)

data %>% 

Say I have the above dataframe. Is there a way to make the asterixs in column d, a superscript of column c? So c looks like: 12000^* 3100^* etc?

I am using the gt package for tables...

CodePudding user response:

One option would be to first create an HTML string using e.g. glue::glue, then use gt::fmt_markdown() to render the text as HTML:


data |> 
  mutate(c = glue::glue("{c}<sup>{d}</sup>")) |> 
  select(-d) |> 
  gt() |> 
  fmt_markdown(columns = c)

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