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What is the fastest way to intersect two large set of ids


The Problem

On a server, I host ids in a json file. From clients, I need to mandate the server to intersect and sometimes negate these ids (the ids never travel to the client even though the client instructs the server its operations to perform).

I typically have 1000's of ids, often have 100,000's of ids, and have a maximum of 56,000,000 of them, where each value is unique and between -100,000,000 and 100,000,000.

These ids files are stable and do not change (so it is possible to generate a different representation for it that is better adapted for the calculations if needed).

Sample ids

Largest file sizes

I need an algorithm that will intersect ids in the sub-second range for most cases. What would you suggest? I code in java, but do not limit myself to java for the resolution of this problem (I could use JNI to bridge to native language).

Potential solutions to consider

Although you could not limit yourselves to the following list of broad considerations for solutions, here is a list of what I internally debated to resolve the situation.

  • Neural-Network pre-qualifier: Train a neural-network for each ids list that accepts another list of ids to score its intersection potential (0 means definitely no intersection, 1 means definitely there is an intersection). Since neural networks are good and efficient at pattern recognition, I am thinking of pre-qualifying a more time-consuming algorithm behind it.
  • Assembly-language: On a Linux server, code an assembly module that does such algorithm. I know that assembly is a mess to maintain and code, but sometimes one need the speed of an highly optimized algorithm without the overhead of a higher-level compiler. Maybe this use-case is simple enough to benefit from an assembly language routine to be executed directly on the Linux server (and then I'd always pay attention to stick with the same processor to avoid having to re-write this too often)? Or, alternately, maybe C would be close enough to assembly to produce clean and optimized assembly code without the overhead to maintain assembly code.
  • Images and GPU: GPU and image processing could be used and instead of comparing ids, I could BITAND images. That is, I create a B&W image of each ids list. Since each id have unique values between -100,000,000 and 100,000,000 (where a maximum of 56,000,000 of them are used), the image would be mostly black, but the pixel would become white if the corresponding id is set. Then, instead of keeping the list of ids, I'd keep the images, and do a BITAND operation on both images to intersect them. This may be fast indeed, but then to translate the resulting image back to ids may be the bottleneck. Also, each image could be significantly large (maybe too large for this to be a viable solution). An estimate of a 200,000,000 bits sequence is 23MB each, just loading this in memory is quite demanding.
  • String-matching algorithms: String comparisons have many adapted algorithms that are typically extremely efficient at their task. Create a binary file for each ids set. Each id would be 4 bytes long. The corresponding binary file would have each and every id sequenced as their 4 bytes equivalent into it. The algorithm could then be to process the smallest file to match each 4 bytes sequence as a string into the other file.

Am I missing anything? Any other potential solution? Could any of these approaches be worth diving into them?

I did not yet try anything as I want to secure a strategy before I invest what I believe will be a significant amount of time into this.

EDIT #1:

Could the solution be a map of hashes for each sector in the list? If the information is structured in such a way that each id resides within its corresponding hash key, then, the smaller of the ids set could be sequentially ran and matching the id into the larger ids set first would require hashing the value to match, and then sequentially matching of the corresponding ids into that key match?

This should make the algorithm an O(n) time based one, and since I'd pick the smallest ids set to be the sequentially ran one, n is small. Does that make sense? Is that the solution?

Something like this (where the H entry is the hash):

{ "H780" : [ 45902780, 46062780, -42912780, -19812780, 25323780, 40572780, -30131780, 60266780, -26203780, 46152780, 67216780, 71666780, -67146780, 46162780, 67226780, 67781780, -47021780, 46122780, 19973780, 22113780, 67876780, 42692780, -18473780, 30993780, 67711780, 67791780, -44036780, -45904780, -42142780, 18703780, 60276780, 46182780, 63600780, 63680780, -70486780, -68290780, -18493780, -68210780, 67731780, 46092780, 63450780, 30074780, 24772780, -26483780, 68371780, -18483780, 18723780, -29834780, 46202780, 67821780, 29594780, 46082780, 44632780, -68406780, -68310780, -44056780, 67751780, 45912780, 40842780, 44642780, 18743780, -68220780, -44066780, 46142780, -26193780, 67681780, 46222780, 67761780 ], "H782" : [ 27343782, 67456782, 18693782, 43322782, -37832782, 46152782, 19113782, -68411782, 18763782, 67466782, -68400782, -68320782, 34031782, 45056782, -26713782, -61776782, 67791782, 44176782, -44096782, 34041782, -39324782, -21873782, 67961782, 18703782, 44186782, -31143782, 67721782, -68340782, 36103782, 19143782, 19223782, 31711782, 66350782, 43362782, 18733782, -29233782, 67811782, -44076782, -19623782, -68290782, 31721782, 19233782, 65726782, 27313782, 43352782, -68280782, 67346782, -44086782, 67741782, -19203782, -19363782, 29583782, 67911782, 67751782, 26663782, -67910782, 19213782, 45992782, -17201782, 43372782, -19992782, -44066782, 46142782, 29993782 ], "H540" : [...

CodePudding user response:

You can convert each file (list of ids) into a bit-array of length 200_000_001, where bit at index j is set if the list contains value j-100_000_000. It is possible, because the range of id values is fixed and small.

Then you can simply use bitwise and and not operations to intersect and negate lists of ids. Depending on the language and libraries used, it would require operating element-wise: iterating over arrays and applying corresponding operations to each index.

Finally, you should measure your performance and decide whether you need to do some optimizations, such as parallelizing operations (you can work on different parts of arrays on different processors), preloading some of arrays (or all of them) into memory, using GPU, etc.

CodePudding user response:

First, the bitmap approach will produce the required performance, at a huge overhead in memory. You'll need to benchmark it, but I'd expect times of maybe 0.2 seconds, with that almost entirely dominated by the cost of loading data from disk, and then reading the result.

However there is another approach that is worth considering. It will use less memory most of the time. For most of the files that you state, it will perform well.

First let's use Cap'n Proto for a file format. The type can be something like this:

struct Ids {
    is_negated @0 :Bool;
    ids @1 :List(Int32);

The key is that ids are always kept sorted. So list operations are a question of running through them in parallel. And now:

  • Applying not is just flipping is_negated.
  • If neither is negated, it is a question of finding IDs in both lists.
  • If the first is not negated and the second is, you just want to find IDs in the first that are not in the second.
  • If the first is negated and the second is not, you just want to find IDs in the second that are not in the first.
  • If both are negated, you just want to find all ids in either list.

If your list has 100k entries, then the file will be about 400k. A not requires copying 400k of data (very fast). And intersecting with another list of the same size involves 200k comparisons. Integer comparisons complete in a clock cycle, and branch mispredictions take something like 10-20 clock cycles. So you should be able to do this operation in the 0-2 millisecond range.

Your worst case 56,000,000 file will take over 200 MB and intersecting 2 of them can take around 200 million operations. This is in the 0-2 second range.

For the 56 million file and a 10k file, your time is almost all spent on numbers in the 56 million file and not in the 10k one. You can speed that up by adding a "galloping" mode where you do a binary search forward in the larger file looking for the next matching number and picking most of them. Do be warned that this code tends to be tricky and involves lots of mispredictions. You'll have to benchmark it to find out how big a size difference is needed.

In general this approach will lose for your very biggest files. But it will be a huge win for most of the sizes of file that you've talked about.

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