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How to get specific records in posgtres


In Postgres I have two tables:

Table A { int keyA, Text name}
Table B { int keyB, int keyA, char mark, date start, date end}

Mark from Table B could be 'X', 'Y', 'Z'. I want to get every record 'X' with dates but only one from 'Y', 'Z'. Also if there are 'X', 'Y', 'Z' i want only 'X'.


keyB keyA mark start end
1 1 X 15-01-2023 16-01-2023
2 1 X 17-01-2023 18-01-2023
3 1 Y null null
4 1 Z null null
5 2 Y null null
6 2 Z null null
7 2 Y null null
8 3 Z null null
9 3 Y null null
10 4 X 19-01-2023 20-01-2023

I want to get

keyB keyA mark start end
1 1 X 15-01-2023 16-01-2023
2 1 X 17-01-2023 17-01-2023
5 2 Y null null
8 3 Z null null
10 4 X 19-01-2023 20-01-2023

I tried: 1.

Select A.name, 
(select b2.start from B b2 where b2.keyA = A.keyA and b2.mark = 'X') as Start,
(select b2.end from B b2 where b2.keyA = A.keyA and b2.mark = 'X') as End,
from A order by name;

Order is important. I need to have name first. There is a porblem. In subqueries i have more than one record so i have to add limit 1. But I want to get every X not only one.

If I do this

 Select A.name, B.start, B.end
 from A inner join B on A.keyA = B.keyB

I'll have X, Y, Z and as I mentioned I want only X or one from Y or Z. Any idea how should I solve this?

CodePudding user response:

Use the row_number function with your join query as the following:

select name, keyB, keyA, mark, start_dt, end_dt
  select A.name, B.*,
    row_number() over (partition by B.keyA order by case when B.mark='X' then 1 else 2 end, B.keyb) rn
 from tableB B join tableA A
 on B.keyA = A.keyA
) T
where mark = 'X' or rn = 1
order by keyb

See demo

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