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Function go trought list


I need to create a function called catalog() to find out how many vehicles there are with the amount of wheels I choose. The only thing I can't change is the call "catalog = catalog(all_vehicles, 6)"

For example:

If I do like this

catalog = catalog(all_vehicles, 6)

It should come out like this:

"Found 2 vehicles with 6 wheels"

Or catalog = catalog(all_vehicles, 2)

"Found 4 vehicles with 2 wheels"

class Vehicles:
    color = ''
    wheels = []
    def __init__(self, color, wheels):
        self.color = color
        self.wheels = wheels
    def filter():
    def __str__(self):
        print(f"The bus is {self.color} and has {self.wheels} wheels.")
bus1 = Vehicles("white", 6)
bus2 = Vehicles("blue", 6)

class Car(Vehicles):
    speed = 0
    displacement = 0
    def __init__(self, color, wheels, speed, displacement):
        super().__init__(color, wheels)
        self.color = color
        self.wheels = wheels
        self.speed = speed
        self.displacement = displacement
    def __str__(self):
        print(f"The car is {self.color}, has {self.wheels} wheels, is traveling at {self.speed} mph and has {self.displacement} displacement.")

car1 = Car("black", 4, 70, 1000)
car2 = Car("grey", 4, 65, 950)
car3 = Car("green", 4, 90, 1100)

class Truck(Car):
    cargo = 0
    def __init__(self, color, wheels, speed, displacement, cargo):
        super().__init__(color, wheels, speed, displacement)
        self.color = color
        self.wheels = wheels
        self.speed = speed
        self.displacement = displacement
        self.cargo = cargo
    def __str__(self):
        print(f"The truck is {self.color}, has {self.wheels} wheels, is traveling at {self.speed} mph, has {self.displacement} displacement and is carrying {self.cargo} weight as cargo.")
truck1 = Truck("grey", 4, 40, 900, 1.525)
truck2 = Truck("white", 4, 45, 920, 2.253)

class Bike(Vehicles):
    gears = ""
    def __init__(self, color, wheels, gears):
        super().__init__(color, wheels)
        self.color = color
        self.wheels = wheels
        self.gears = gears
    def __str__(self):
        print(f"The bike is {self.color}, has {self.wheels} wheels and has {self.gears} changes.")
bike1 = Bike("orange", 2, 12)
bike2 = Bike("black", 2, 10)

class Motorbike(Bike):
    speed = 0
    displacement = 0
    model = ""
    def __init__(self, color, wheels, gears, speed, displacement, model):
        super().__init__(color, wheels, gears)
        self.color = color
        self.wheels = wheels
        self.gears = gears
        self.speed = speed
        self.displacement = displacement
        self.model = model

    def __str__(self):
        print(f"The motorbike is {self.color}, has {self.wheels} wheels, has {self.gears} changes, is traveling at {self.speed} mph, has {self.displacement} displacement and is a {self.model} motorbike.")

motorbike1 = Motorbike("blue", 2, 5, 120, 600, "road")
motorbike2 = Motorbike("black", 2, 7, 220, 1100, "race")

all_vehicles = [bus1, bus2, car1, car2, car3, truck1, truck2, bike1, bike2, motorbike1, motorbike2]

def catalog(the_list, wheels):    

    print(f"Founded {Vehicles} with {Vehicles.wheels} wheels.")

catalog = catalog(all_vehicles, 6)

CodePudding user response:

When you reassign catalog at the very end, you're overriding the definition of the function. So, subsequent invocation will fail. Also, you need some kind of loop in the catalog function with an accumulator. There are multiple ways to do this in Python, but I'll present the basic way that's readable to newcomers.

def catalog(the_list, wheels):
  num = 0
  for vehicle in the_list:
    if vehicle.wheels == wheels:
      num  = 1

  print(f"Found {num} vehicles with {wheels} wheels.")

catalog(all_vehicles, 6)
catalog(all_vehicles, 2)

This will help you move the ball down the field. Your data structures and naming are a bit wonky. Do you want a list for wheels? Or perhaps just store number? Your next steps are to clean up how you want to represent the data and then come back to tweak my proposed definition of catalog.

CodePudding user response:

Assuming from how you initialize it in your objects, that Vechicles.wheels is an int

def catalog(the_list, wheels):   
    found = 0
    for veh in the_list:
        if veh.wheels == wheels:
            found  = 1
    print(f"Found {found} with {wheels} wheels.")
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