Home > Blockchain >  Pandas.to_datetime doesn't recognize the format of the string to be converted to datetime
Pandas.to_datetime doesn't recognize the format of the string to be converted to datetime


I am trying to convert some data from a .txt file to a dataframe to use it for some analysis

the form of the data in the .txt is a follows

    [m/s]   [l/h]   

A 09.01.2023 12:45:20 ??? ??? A 09.01.2023 12:46:20 0,048 52,67
A 09.01.2023 12:47:20 0,049 53,77
A 09.01.2023 12:48:20 0,050 54,86

I load the data to a dataframe no problem i covnert the str values of the measurement to float etc everything is good as shows in the enter image description here

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