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find tangent line of two adjacent circle


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those are 2 example cases of what I need to solve, it is just finding the coordinate of D, given position of A, and the direction vector of red and green line

  • red/green line vector (or direction) is known
  • point A is an intersection between the red line and red circle tangent point
  • point B is the center of the red circle with radius = R (known)
  • point C is an intersection between the green line and the green circle tangent point
  • point D is unknown and this one that needs to be calculated
  • point D will always located in green circle (radius of 2R from point B)
  • both red and green line has the same radius of R
  • V is the angle of the red line relative to north up
  • W is the angle of the green line relative to north up
  • the distance between point B and D is always 2R since the circle adjacent (touching each other)

much help and hint appreciated, preferred in some code instead of math equation

CodePudding user response:

Having coordinates A,B,C, we can write two vector equations using scalar (dot) product:

AC.dot.DC = 0
DB.dot.DB = 4*R^2

The first one refers to perpendicularity between tangent to circle and radius to tangency point, the second one - just squared distance between circle centers.

In coordinates:

(cx-ax)*(cx-dx)   (cy-ay)*(cy-dy) = 0
(bx-dx)*(bx-dx)   (by-dy)*(by-dy) = 4*R^2

Solve this system for unknown dx, dy - two solutions in general case.

If A and C are not known, as @Mike 'Pomax' Kamermans noticed:


cr = sin(v)     sr = cos(v)
cg = sin(w)     sg = cos(w)


ax = bx   R * cr
ay = by   R * sr


dx = cx - R * cg
dy = cy   R * sg

Substituting expressions into the system above we have:

(dx R*cg-bx-R*cr)*cg - (dy-R*sg-by-R*sr)*sg = 0
(bx-dx)*(bx-dx)   (by-dy)*(by-dy) = 4*R^2

Again - solve system for unknowns dx, dy

CodePudding user response:

As a hint: draw it out some more:

enter image description here

We can construct D by constructing the line segment AG, for which we know both the angle and length, because AC⟂AG, and the segment has length R.

We can then construct a line perpendicular to AG, through G, which gives us a chord on the blue circle, one endpoint of which is D. We know the distance from B to GD (because we know trigonometry) and we know that the distance BD is 2R (because that's a given). Pythagoras then trivially gives us D.

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