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How to build an update statement to fill in missing data with records that contain that data on mult


I have thousands of records missing data in 2 columns in a table. I want to fill in those 2 columns using records that have that data by finding matches based on other columns. So use matching data to fill in those missing values.

Sample data:

maj_id maj_name parent_name child_name parent_id parent_id_2 child_id
123456 XYZ_COMP xyz_comp_pl xyz_pl 987 5435 20-2
null null xyz_comp_pl xyz_pl_2 987 5435 20-1
123457 ABC_COMP abc_comp_pl abc_pl 765 5843 34-1
123457 ABC_COMP abc_comp_pl abc_pl_2 765 5843 34-9
null null abc_comp_pl abc_pl_3 765 5843 34-7
null null abc_comp_pl abc_pl_4 765 5843 34-6

The null maj_id and maj_name is what I want to have updated with the maj_id and maj_name from columns that having matching parent_name, parent_id, and parent_id_2. I was able to identify records to update using something like the below query, but not sure how to create the update statement out of this.

select t.parent_id , t.maj_name

from test_table t inner join ( select parent_id , parent_name , parent_id_2 from test_table group by parent_id, parent_name, parent_id_2 having sum(case when maj_name is not null then 1 else 0 end) >= 1 and sum(case when maj_name is null then 1 else 0 end) >= 1 )D on t.parent_id = d.parent_id and t.parent_name = d.parent_name and t.parent_id_2 = d.parent_id_2 order by parent_id, maj_name ASC;

CodePudding user response:

MERGE INTO test_table
USING (SELECT b.rowid row_id,
         FROM (SELECT parent_id,
                      ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY parent_id,parent_name,parent_id_2 ORDER BY CASE WHEN (maj_id IS NOT NULL) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC, maj_id DESC) seq
                 FROM test_table) a,
               test_table b
         WHERE a.seq = 1
           AND a.parent_id = b.parent_id
           AND a.parent_name = b.parent_name
           AND a.parent_id_2 = b.parent_id_2
           AND b.maj_id IS NULL) src
ON (src.row_id = test_table.ROWID)
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET maj_id = src.maj_id, maj_name = src.maj_name
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