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Filecoincash will from seven aspects to improve Filecoin defects


On September 15, the first round of Filecoin space race, 356 miners from six continents 32 countries took part in the competition, while the middle out a little mistake, but overall the result is far more than expected,

Thought is the outside world, the space race has just ended, officially announced to be the next round of the space race, the message to begin with, a lot of people think this is Filecoin releasing doves once again, the official information display, compared to the first round, the focus of the second round of the space race is a test of the economic level, officials hope that through the second space race of economic model for effective verification,

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And, in the eyes of part of the miners, the second space race also can be a positive, equivalent to official break for everyone before the main online on welfare, want to know the space race released a day on average the number of tokens is expected around twice the number of main launch, and to a certain extent, the second space race test network can be seen as main,

But is in front of the main is launched at the last minute, bifurcate Filecoin voice is bigger and bigger, this kind of appeal had appeared in the early stage of the space race, a series of rules and the official launch in the first round of the space race will further enlarge,

Under the huge pressure of protest

On the eve of the space race, A pseudonym (song) of miners in Filecoin slack of channel # fil - lobby issued A paper entitled "Filecoin, A" Centralized "Storage Network", pointing to the space race there is lack of fairness, big miners monopoly, licensing, are in play CARDS,

During the space race is squealed Filecoin miners, due to the bugs and stability test network itself, the miners to track the official code dynamic momently, slightly do not pay attention to, will be cut force, reward,

, however, is more important than the miner's protest was Filecoin in order to realize effective storage, the very complex systems design, led to Filecoin only to a single model of technical scheme and economic development, low expansion also limits the fault tolerance of the whole system, and it can be said that the once Filecoin on technical or economic model is a big holes, there is no back to may, in a nutshell, for the most part the whole Filecoin ecological pressure and risks are hanging on the miners,

Is behind the economic dispute is dissatisfied with governance centralized

Since a long time, Filecoin disputed points are economic models, and behind it is more miners dissatisfaction with the official centralized management, most of the time, in the case of full communication with the miners community, the official release of the new rules, directly lead to many miners unprepared, can only passively accept, more important is already bear the huge pressure and risk of the miners, and be forced to take the risks brought by the new rules,

Filecoin in economic model design, storage miners to encapsulate data acquisition is divided into the original value to calculate forces and effective to calculate two kinds of force, effective work force refers to the miners to store the authenticated user (officially verified user) data obtained by force, and the original value of the work force refers to storage the authenticated user data is gained by the outside force, Filecoin officials believe the authenticated user's data is (worth), so, should gain more weight on a piece of incentive,

In the present economic parameters Settings, effective work force of the block weight was 10 times higher than the original value to calculate force, transparent rules themselves understandable, Filecoin official plan in the future in the form of DAO organization to verify user qualifications, however, this link is centralized,

Filecoin published in May this year Filecoin Discover project, its purpose is to let the miners in Filecoin network store some useful data, such as human genes, meteorological data, the official will be valuable and open data existing in hard disk for sale, is marked as the hard disk data (data), encapsulate these data will be effective to calculate force, effective work force of the block probability is 10 times the original value to calculate force, miners in order to obtain more effective force, in addition to encapsulate the authenticated user data, only buy Filecoin Discover hard drive, so some blame Filecoin USES her identity (the referee) seek profits,

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More surprising is the so-called (valuable) data is worthless, according to the received Filecoin miners, according to Discover hard disk (hard disk, data of claim 8 t capacity only 26 g, technicians to grab a few documents to read, don't read any byte data),

Y come true or just gimmicks are tide?

Miner is the provider of the network resources, is the key to Filecoin running, not guaranteed if the miners' interests, has spent a large amount of hardware resources miners will promote Filecoin bifurcate, for now, bifurcate or has inevitable, on September 18, 2020, one day there will be two projects announced bifurcate Filecoin,

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First Filecoin bifurcate project Filecoin Vision

On September 18, early in the morning, someone anonymously in making articles published "Filecoin Vision its", declaring the first Filecoin bifurcate project FILV, first of all, it is pointed out in its Filecoin 6 disputed points:

? Can dig at the early stage of the main share has fallen from 70% to 30%

? Front of mortgage and rear block reward linear release

? Windows failure PoSt half an hour tokens, punishment, and must be the next day to repair

? People authentication commitment has 10 times the data storage, force

? Agreements tend to use laboratory moral governing the behavior of the miners, rather than the rule in the chain of

? Agreement laboratory has 15% of the tokens, the foundation has 5% of the tokens,

Corresponding FILV will implement the following improvements:

? Can dig up to 99%

? Reduce lead mortgage credit, let each miner can easily involved in mining

? Window PoSt allows forgiveness to retry submitted

? Lost or dropped, Garbage sectors will need not bear the penalties for mortgage money

? Forbearance to punish, punish malicious behaviour must be determined and never excessive punishment

? Not by chain rules tell good malicious behavior, not punitive

? Extended the pre-determined but punishment execution, avoid causing domino reaction

? No validation, the promise of no validation data

? Advocated moral, but tend to rationalize chain rule, do not exclude human selfish

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Immediately follow up with FileCoinCash

Begins with Filecoin Vision, someone follow up right away, and on September 18, in the afternoon, MIX group chairman wei-ping han on "the mine will - xiamen station" announced will bifurcate Filecoin, project, called FileCoinCash FileCoinCash took their cue from IPFS ideal, the scheme to practice IPFS unlike Filecoin Vision of distributed storage network FileCoinCash will to improve Filecoin defects from seven aspects:

? Upgraded to SHA512 SHA256 algorithm;

? 11 serial seal calculation decreased to 5 layer;

? Increase the Layer 2 raise TPS, support intelligent contracts are widely used, such as network scale can be rapid expansion of the market economy;

? Dynamic front mortgages, proceeds to fully release to miners;

? Personal data is decided by personal effectiveness, full democracy, and public data need to audit, free redundancy;

? Together with the community development and management, and fully democratic against tyranny;

? Improve the economic model,

It is understood that the project open on September 19 lot code base, synchronous open test network, and provids) on October launch, invite the whole community, common governance,

Besides Filecoin Vision and FileCoinCash, 1475 mine will co-founder Andy lifetime - xiamen station said at the meeting for 5-6 team in preparing bifurcate Filecoin contact big miners,

The second round of the space race will start on November 25, the bifurcation when tide is a kind of gimmick, used to put pressure on official or to really? As said earlier, Filecoin miners have invested a lot of cost, and can no longer look back, unless the new fork project can provide far beyond the opportunity cost of revenue, otherwise the bifurcate projects are hard to what substantive impact on Filecoin bifurcate community is more helpless,

In addition it is important to note that the distributed storage of this circuit is not only Filecoin, as a wave Crust are catching up within the ecological, the use of TEE solution can reduce the miner's participation in the threshold, the overall product and technical route are also more "reality", in addition to the space race, so to speak, distributed storage this circuit in the future will be faced with starcraft situation,
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