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auto correction last name with double name


I have a html form, where the user can write his / her own last name and send it to an php file, which checks if all is correct.

Now I would like to make an auto correction, for this case:

Last name: maX-poWEer

this should be corrected as follows


the first letters should be allways uppercase, and the others should be lowercase:


New Result:


But how can I realize the first letters of each name as uppercases? ucwords() doenst work in this case

CodePudding user response:

Use the mb_convert_case() function, this function can handle utf-8 characters, which is useful when dealing with international names.

$name = "maX-poWEer";
$formatted_name = mb_convert_case($name, MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8");
echo $formatted_name; // Output: "Max-Poweer"
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  • php
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