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Can someone help me align these items on top of each other?


I am making a website about super smash bros as a personal project, but I am having an issue, I can not figure out how to get the videos aligned on top of each other when in mobile view. I tried display flex but that doesn't seem to be working, the idea was to have them inline when in desktop but when switched to mobile they would change. So if someone could please help me with that and explain how you did it so I can learn that would be appreciated. (There is going to be a lot of code)


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                <h1 >Newest Character:</h1>
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 /*slider switch css */
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CodePudding user response:

In media queries use this CSS,

@media screen and (min-width: 480px(or anything)) {
     display: flex;
       align-items: center;
       flex-direction: row;

CodePudding user response:

@media only screen and (max-width: 820px) {
.navbar {
    flex-direction: column;

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