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Template data member


I have this class

class Store
    template <int N> using map = std::unordered_map<typename Topo<N>::type*, std::unique_ptr<Node<N>>>;
    template <int N> map<N>& get();
    map<0> m_0;
    template <> map<0>& get<0>() { return m_0; }
    map<1> m_1;
    template <> map<1>& get<1>() { return m_1; }
      // ...
    map<7> m_7;
    template <> map<7>& get<7>() { return m_7; }

I am looking for a way to avoid to repeat the declaration of the variables. Probably it is possible to do something with integer sequences, but I cannot figure out the syntax.

CodePudding user response:

As suggested by HolyBlackCat, you can use std::make_index_sequence to declare a std::tuple< map<0> , map<1> ,... map<N>>. You do not need getters. When they return non-const references you can make the members public.

#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>

template <int N> struct Foo {};

template <typename X> struct foo_tuple_impl;    
template <int...I> struct foo_tuple_impl< std::integer_sequence<int,I...> > {
    using type = std::tuple< Foo<I> ...>;
template <int N> struct foo_tuple {
    using type = typename foo_tuple_impl< std::make_integer_sequence<int,N> >::type;
template <int N> using foo_tuple_t = typename foo_tuple<N>::type;

struct Storage {
    foo_tuple_t<7> map;

CodePudding user response:

How about putting them in a heterogeneous array (i.e. tuple)?

class Store
template <int N> using map = std::unordered_map<typename Topo<N>::type*, std::unique_ptr<Node<N>>>;
template <int N> map<N>& get();

std::tuple<map<0>, map<1>, ..., map<7>> maps;

Store store;
auto& m_1 = std::get<1>(store.maps);

You can have a getter if you want:

template<int N>
const auto& get_map() const {
  return std::get<N>(maps);
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